Guess Hank's gauge.

Got up to stoke the fire , 17 outside.
Long day yesterday.

Started with getting a whole hog into the freezer in bags cut up.
Got it all cut up at my buddy Kennys place on Wed. He has opened Monday Meats to help local ranchers get meat done locally. They did 64 beeves last year and 40 so far this year.
He did not want anything for the hour to cut it up and in bags. I'll bring him some of my NM maple bacon for Christmas.

Then I got cleaned up and headed to pharmacy & store. Got a call an the way from Doc's office concerning the new med price from my pharmacy....$7000/mo. Well that is out the door.
She is working on an alternative deal for $200/mo. or so......yikes.
Got the other meds and calcium & Vit. D/calcium suppliments. Quick trip into the market and another $200 and I was off...and I get a flat.
Takes an hour to change, not an easy exercise on my hip.
Rio is patient and gets new bickies.

I pull into my local garage and it just so happens my new tires are in...OK,I can afford 2 now until the end of the month. It takes 2 hours to change the tires with only 2 guys working and everyone and their cousin is broke down with a bull in the back or just broke down.

We get home with enough light to get wood in and the groceries. Fire going I get some brats & fries going .
In bed by 8.

Got up to stoke the fire @ 0200 and I'm wide awake ready to cut wood today.....LOL .
Ins. has picked up $22k of expenses so far and I have paid $1600 or far so good,
...but $7k/mo for pills is not good.
Got up to stoke the fire , 17 outside.
Long day yesterday.

Started with getting a whole hog into the freezer in bags cut up.
Got it all cut up at my buddy Kennys place on Wed. He has opened Monday Meats to help local ranchers get meat done locally. They did 64 beeves last year and 40 so far this year.
He did not want anything for the hour to cut it up and in bags. I'll bring him some of my NM maple bacon for Christmas.

Then I got cleaned up and headed to pharmacy & store. Got a call an the way from Doc's office concerning the new med price from my pharmacy....$7000/mo. Well that is out the door.
She is working on an alternative deal for $200/mo. or so......yikes.
Got the other meds and calcium & Vit. D/calcium suppliments. Quick trip into the market and another $200 and I was off...and I get a flat.
Takes an hour to change, not an easy exercise on my hip.
Rio is patient and gets new bickies.

I pull into my local garage and it just so happens my new tires are in...OK,I can afford 2 now until the end of the month. It takes 2 hours to change the tires with only 2 guys working and everyone and their cousin is broke down with a bull in the back or just broke down.

We get home with enough light to get wood in and the groceries. Fire going I get some brats & fries going .
In bed by 8.

Got up to stoke the fire @ 0200 and I'm wide awake ready to cut wood today.....LOL .
Ins. has picked up $22k of expenses so far and I have paid $1600 or far so good,
...but $7k/mo for pills is not good.
Hoping they can get something figured out to cut down that bill. Geez. I don’t know anyone that could afford that.
Good luck with the meds. Lucky my insurance does good with my costs. One med is 840 per month and our cost is $10! Others are similar.

Sounds like you are getting around well. Keep it up!
Hank, except for the exorbitant med cost, sounds like you are dealing w the challenges of living your rural life as a fairly health older guy w a bad back and hip, and not enough $. As opposed to the darker alternative. I know you are calling that a win. Rooting for you every day! I hope the med cost can be solved. Some drug companies have discounts for patients who can't afford expensive meds, might be worth looking into. Wonder how much that same medicine costs in Juarez?
Talked to another staff member to try and get the options straight this morning.
There was one with a cost-plus online pharmacy that has 250mg instead of the 500 doc wanted and 90 days was $140.... I don't understand the problem, double it. I'd pay the $150/mo.
They'll figure it out.
Now they understand that I don't have drug insurance and most of what I have paid is less than what just medicare pays, so I'm still ahead.
The total for the others is only $34/mo or so without the drug coverage.
I won't get any surprise bonus bills that most folks would get for treatment or hospital time.
Drug insurance does not cover the full cost either.

Loaded the last of one tree and started on another for 2 truckloads to the woodpile. Taking breaks.
Rio is tuckered out from watching.
Damn it's cold, for SW NM in Nov. !
12 this morning after single digit weekend mornings. Going to get to 50 maybe today. Good woodcutting weather. Crystal clear days. Warming trend, dry forecast.

My monsoon total is now 18.68" after a few dustings of snow the last 2 weeks. Add the weak Jan-March snow of 2 inches moisture and I am up to 20.68" for the year, so far. Almost twice normal.
Looks like it will be another warmer and drier end of the year again. So this will probably be the last post.

Rio is laying next to me now with a nice fire going in the stove. He has distinguished grey cheeks and eyebrow dots. He realizes he is getting old too and stays close but still over does it some days. Sore paw today from digging at a Kangaroo Rat nest yesterday while I cut wood.

10 days now without a pain pill. Walking almost totally normal. Gaining weight again and muscle.
Still limited by what my hip says when I lift.
New additional meds on way to add. Just took some calls and proof of income. Free they say. Find out today.
So far so good.

Sat. I went down to visit a HTer couple who are helping out a Vet. with a late Gila bull tag. Equipment failure cost an opening morning bull chance I heard. Snowing with the sun out. Nice visit around the campfire. Afternoon plan made. Lots of elk around and I saw 2 bulls driving in.
Headed home @ 3pm and ran into a herd of about 60 cows,calves and spikes crossing the road. Took a bit to get by them. I got home a mile away and got a fire going and dinner started and Rio and I watched the herd head to my tanks at sunset as I filled the wheel barrow with firewood.

Have a couple weeks until my cow hunt and my bro should be here, he says....LOL
I think I can deal with a cow if he doesn't, now. Got a hog into the
I almost wish I have a bull tag. Almost. There are some BIG bulls around here still.

I'm watching the cows head back across the valley in the morning sun towards the mesa with Rio asleep next to me.
A slice of pecan pie and a cuppa.
Life is good in Pie Town.
Sounds great! Somewhat back to normal? Can't beat kicking back and enjoying what you have around you. Oh, yeah. Mmm... pie... ;)
Sounds great! Somewhat back to normal? Can't beat kicking back and enjoying what you have around you. Oh, yeah. Mmm... pie... ;)
Yep, normal for an old fart gauge is what I get in feedback from what I should be doing from the docs & RN's. I don't think they would approve of the round & log lifting tho. But I know my limits, now.
Sore on the crest this morning but just walked around with Rio this morning fine. Figured out a way to deal with the rear elk quarters in my head on the walk............."You idiot, you have a winch on the lumber rack!".
Behind on chores and firewood,but I can get ahead again.
Have to clean the stovepipe today due to damp wood, pinion....the usuual. But it's free. And easy to split. Splitting rounds does hurt at times. I'll roll them aside and stack. My big saw took a crap again so the small saw is perfect.

Gals at the pie shop were amazed. 2 mentioned they knew of guys that just died from this recently.

Lucky stars!
I've heard that the aroma of burning pinion is as good an aphrodisiac as a roll of crisp new Franklins...any truth @hank4elk ?
It worked wonders in the past when all the chile was roasted with pinion. Santa Fe and snow,B&B....LOL

The cows don't seem to mind it......elk cows I mean.
I could share hot flash stories with the gals.......................LOL. Watch Oakra....
I told Randy I was just going to let the gauge rest. After all we had a prediction for La Nina,for the 3rd year and dry,dry, dry...NM said wait a minute.

Well it has been raining since 9am. 44 degrees. Well over an inch I would guess. Should be a foot of snow outside. It was 8 in the morning Monday,34 this morning.

I'll have to dig the gaitors out for the morning hunt. And raingear.
Or sit inside and enjoy the warmth of the old HOTFLASH! LOL! More Rain is the word.

Saw 6 cows a half mile away moving into the PJ's early today. Prints 100ft from my door.

Had a 17 day run with no pain pills. Took 2 today. Split some rounds yesterday. My appetite is back and gaining weight. Have 2 new HRT meds added. One $30/mo, the other free.

Half the county has some flu, virus, or covid. I'm avoiding most folks due to my low anti's and I need them all.
I walked the ranch this morning glassing for a cow. Could not do that a month ago.

I gave my last LO tag to the postmistress ,an old friend who did not draw a elk tag and saw as few deer as I did with her tag. She is a former Pie Queen too.

Next visit with the Oncologist is in Jan.
Rio approves of the latest batch of bacon and really liked the beef bone from yesterdays pot roast . Does not like the rain keeping him from it now. But ear scratches are welcome instead.

2 old guys , as fit as a fiddle. Well, so far so good.
Rainy day and I listened to my collection of Fleetwood Mac albums.
Life is good in Pie Town.
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