Guess Hank's gauge.

I guess the monsoon decided to stick around the SW. I was going to just let this one die out with cancer.

Ma Nature said ,"Hold my water".

Rain everyday this week and more on way. 1.34" for me in 5 days, and it rained most of the night.
80% chance today and it's cloudy this morning.
So good for the trees and critters. Fall colors coming on with nights in the 40's & 30's.
Nice little fire going in the Lopi. Rio right next to me on the couch.
I'd go out with the binos and look for the screamer, but I'd have to get into rain gear and gaiters.

My road is a mess. Time for new tires after this month. They are loading with mud now and make driving interesting even in 4x4. Guess the road trips to the doc wore them down finally.
Good thing I have dozens of dead pinion on my place ready to be cut up for the pile.
Cut up a stack of ponderosa mill slabs yesterday to get started. Split a couple pinion rounds.

I could not do that last week. Physically. Too much pain.
Taking it easy today. No pain. No limp.

Sat. is MB opener, and a slight chance of rain. Clearing up next week they say.
Huge lakes where grass flats were. Green feed under all the gold seed heads.
Seen some big muddy bulls and cows. Lots of tarantulas out and about.
2.56" last week added to the increasing total. The Monsoon that would not end!!!

It finally stopped Monday. Could finally drive out my road easy yesterday, in 4x4, and went up to Zuni to the bank and tried to get to a buddys ranch in Fence within 400 yards and the deep mud pool that is normally his road stopped me. He has a PU with a big winch parked on the house end of the pool...LOL

Heavy rains again after this Sunday. Another hurricane breaking up off Baja.
Every flat place in the county is a lake. Even more up in Zuni. 24" plus so far there.

And I hear that Billy's wife filled her tag with a dandy 6x6. Cool. Her 1st bull.
Info passed on by a proud uncle today. He thanked me for the help to the family and ordered my new tires for me.
Says it's been pretty good harvest on the elk around here. One uncle has processed 40 elk at his shop so far.

The outfitter camp is gone today off the neighbors. Filled the tags I hear in 4 days. There were more camps like that around here last week I hear. .Muddy 2 tracks across the public lands that are now permanent ruts...
I guess they poached Never got a return call from the warden to the situation....SOP.

No Pain! Almost pain free this morning. I took a walk around today. Cool.
Time to cut firewood. Get the hog butchered. Nov. is my deer hunt.
Big Bro is coming out for the cow tag now and the WI buddy is coming in the spring for a visit.
And my own draw cow hunt in Dec. should top off a different year here at Camp Hank.

No sign of the blondie in weeks.LOL
So who knew Muck Boots were right for NM ? Waders? LOL

I'm guessing I have another 2+ inches in the gauge this morning.
Nuts. Coastal rains in NM. All afternoon Sat. and all day Sun. and it just stopped this morning.
Insane lightning Sat. into Sun. Windy & cold.
Snowing his morning up in the Zuni & Mt. Taylor. Clearing some here today and back to the 70's by Wed.

I hear the hunters are doing good overall. 50% success from one outfitters gang.
60 elk thru the local meat shop so far.
2 trucks at the gas station had racks Sat. morning when I went to fill up, on draw tags. Big 5x5 & a decent 6x6. Smiles and more tags to fill for those NM guys...

... I decided to go out Sat. morning to take a looksee at who was screaming all night and at 1st light at my place. Spotted cows moving towards me and planned a stalk across the open draw they were moving off my place thru. Bull way at the bottom pushing cows.
I get out in the middle sneaking around the few juniper trees and the deep grass. 200 yards from my fence.
The 1st 2 cows jump the fence but the rest just keep coming. A dozen cows & calves being pushed by the bull. Funny he sounded like a small/young bull. I can now see he is a good 6x6,wide. For 15 minutes I have them all at 200yards. Not a clue I am there.
I just smiled and backed out and went and got an armload of firewood. Watching the elk move off to neighbors to bed. Not a clue or worry about me.

Cool. I still have it in me. In ranch clothes.

Rio just came out from his bed and is laying next to me now. No lightning now. Nice fire going.
Rain on & off. Gusty still.
There he goes again, that fooler bull. Big guy plays sqweeker.

I am doing better than one should be doing in my place.
Little to no pain. No limp or problem walking.
Cut some firewood and worked around the house Fri.
Main Meds being delivered on Tues, Fedexed from pharmacy in AZ.
Free of charges.

Going to take Rio to town when the vet's trailer comes Thursday to take a look see at his rear end & legs.
Us old guys gotta take care of each other.
We have a deer hunt next month & a cow tag to fill in Dec.
The rain is heading your way Ken, it looks.
I like that recap hank...keep em coming compadre.
Dry for a few days starting tomorrow, then another round coming in Sat. Colder temps and snow in high country to the north.
Fall is here. Hunting weather, IMHO.

Watched the bull & cows from the kitchen window this morning. 16 cows today and most had 2 calves. I'd give him a 320 rating. Very wide. Later a group of last years calves came by.
All bedded on my neighbors place.

2 new neighbors, I hear.
Roads are a mess. Graveyard rd. is a mud bog.

Cell service at times and then nothing for days. All the calls to & from the doc's, drug company and pharmacy have worked and all good.
Every call to family gets cut off or dropped. I drive over to TM's or to town and get service and update them as I can.
Of course baby sis called last night during the storm and I lost service...

Rio had a run in with a rattler @ TM's Sat. morning as I was on the phone. Grass as high as him and he barks, lunges at it, starts the buzz and I get him away and in the truck. 1st one this year I have seen.

Just checked gauge, 1.46". Muddy out,47 and cloudy.
My aspen have turned. Plums too. Locust & apples next up.
Golds ,reds and green, the colors here.

Summer was a haze of pain & confusion.
I know what is in store for fall & winter now, I think. More amazing life in remote NM.
Meds came, a day early. Fedex mud
So it begins. HRT.
Time to get ahead of it now that the radiology has kicked it's ass. You go girls...LOL

?...trim the beard or style it. 6 weeks since the news from the Doc & last trim and its out of hand already.
The bearded lady look could be a $ maker on the interweb.
Maybe I'll wind up with pecks larger than Rogans...instead of moobs.

Advice to others.
Don't screw with an old vet who has stage 4 cancer and is kicking it's ass.
So far.
So good.
Meds came, a day early. Fedex mud
So it begins. HRT.
Time to get ahead of it now that the radiology has kicked it's ass. You go girls...LOL

?...trim the beard or style it. 6 weeks since the news from the Doc & last trim and its out of hand already.
The bearded lady look could be a $ maker on the interweb.
Maybe I'll wind up with pecks larger than Rogans...instead of moobs.

Advice to others.
Don't screw with an old vet who has stage 4 cancer and is kicking it's ass.
So far.
So good.
Dadgummit, you misspelt peck*r...sorry folks
We have gotten 4+ inches in Oct. ,close to 18 inches for the year. So far...a record.

It was 14 the other morning when I drove to Alb. for my post treatment radiology meet with the doc's.
Elk city on hwy 60. driving into the sunrise. I just made it.

The nurse takes my stat's and gives me a questionaire about bladder function to fill out .
I was expecting some talk about it sooner than later. Simple 1 to 5 grade on flow, occurence, times a day, etc and final on if this level/rating was acceptable with me for quality of life ,overall.

A minute after setting it down a nice looking lady Doctor comes in and introduces herself , Yvette, the acting AP that day. AP? ,acting practitioner she says.
I tell her I thought it was for the title, attractive physician...she has a good laugh.
So, how am I doing? Good. Pain?, little to none, 2-3 range. More a soreness now mostly on my hip.
No limp today, no pain walking.

She smiles. Tells me she has been a DR for 20 years,16 in oncology/radiology and the last 10 in radiology, treatment.
Asks a bunch of ?'s about diet, lifestyle, other health issues. No others besides watching the ticker.

Tell her I cut down a few pinion and into firewood this week and did OK. Sore but doable. Not much limping or pain on hip/back.

She smiles.
I ask to see the images of the cancer and she shows me. More widespread on the hip than I thought and spots on a left rib, right shoulder blade, and one on the!
She approves of my high protein diet to replenish what the cancer is eating/stealing from me. The elk meat gets a bigger smile.
My weight is steady now, not dropping.
My health overall is good and maintainable. The piss?'s gets it is better than it was a month ago and not abnormal for an old fart.
Hell, I tell her I could barely walk into this building and in agony a month and a half ago. Now not even a limp. I have pain pills, the meds and it seems to be working...
...she gets up and turns to a paper she has and says this drop in your numbers is amazing! Mid 460's down to low 120's. Like a rock she says.
So , it seems to be in remission and tho not totally curable, it can be put back on it's ass and kept in check. It appears to be on it's way.
No more radiology treatments. Just the bloodwork to monitor.

Am I OK with my quality of life if these are my paramiters?
Hell yes! I can work,walk, pee, and not in agony. Managable .
She asks about Pie Town and I tell her. She asks if she calls will I show her and the family the sights? Get her a pie? How about an elk?

I shuffle down the hall backwards and say" I know a guy." Know a good B&B too. Give me a ring.

She laughs and loves my dance moves considering I could barely walk a month ago.

We got this I tell her!
14 last Wed and snow the next day. Fall. Fires in the stove.

The good Doctor actually smiled when he came into the exam room today.
PSA numbers dropping and looking good, cancer seems to be in remission.
Let's put it in full remission and to bed, he said. Most positive he has been.
Added another HRT pill.
Little to no pain now. I can walk without a limp most days.
"I could barely walk into the office 2 months ago, in agony." I tell him. I walked up the stairs no problem today.
He smiled again.

Do not see him again for 8 weeks. Blood work every 2 weeks in Socorro for now to monitor.
Paliative visits to be same day and time frame when I do have to go to Alb.
New Pain Dr. and she is older and single....loves bacon and elk meat. LOL

So when you fall on your keister and things do not seem quite right after, check it out.
Do not just take one opine. It could be wrong. 2 or 3 could be...
I knew this was more than just sciatica pain I was feeling.

I am a lucky guy. So far so good. Except I left my cell at the office in Alb....LOL!
Going to pass on my deer hunt next week, save energy for wood cutting ,weed eating and catching up on chores I have left to the wind. Few deer anyways.
Cutting up a hog Wed.

Have my cow hunt in Dec. and my bro will be out for the LO tag. He just turned 72 and had his eyes rebuilt 1st time since 15 he has not needed glasses.
Lots of elk about.
Life is good in NM at the Rockin Double J!!!!

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