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Grizzly attack in Ovando

Bear fears no man because man doesn’t shoot them on site in town. Trophy elk/deer walk freely in mountain towns across the west because they are habituated and don’t fear man. Try finding the same trophy bulls/bucks in the NF. Same thing with grizz you’d have to think. It wouldn’t hurt to shoot them on site in town, keeps them up high. Bears are cool in the wilderness but I’m on team human, if that was my sister/mother… can’t say having a grizz season wouldn’t hurt in these situations. One or two tags probably isn’t enough though, so maybe you’re right.

I live in the country and have free range chickens. When bobs and yotes come in they are shot on site, the only way to solve the problem. And it’s not going to have an affect on overall population. It’s really strange we don’t allow this with the grizz to the full extent yet. Or am I wrong? If a rancher sees a grizz killing a cow/calf can he shoot on site? What’s that chicken owner allowed to do in Ovando if they catch the grizz in action raiding their coop?
There were several comments that said a hunting season would not have had an effect on this bear, my question was to the reasoning.
Certainly, post incident, a hunting season that starts in October presumably, would not be an option.
But assuming Montana has/had a hunting season.
Why would this bear not be effected by hunting?
There is and has been a black bear season for decades, yet there are hundreds of problem black bears relocated and/or euthanized every year. Hunting clearly hasn’t kept them overly fearful of humans. Bears are driven by their need for calories. Everything else is secondary. Assuming this would be different for griz is illogical and fails to account for their biology. Why do you think so much money still goes into bear aware campaigns in bear country, even those areas with hunting seasons?
Bear fears no man because man doesn’t shoot them on site in town. Trophy elk/deer walk freely in mountain towns across the west because they are habituated and don’t fear man. Try finding the same trophy bulls/bucks in the NF. Same thing with grizz you’d have to think. It wouldn’t hurt to shoot them on site in town, keeps them up high. Bears are cool in the wilderness but I’m on team human, if that was my sister/mother… can’t say having a grizz season wouldn’t hurt in these situations. One or two tags probably isn’t enough though, so maybe you’re right.

I live in the country and have free range chickens. When bobs and yotes come in they are shot on site, the only way to solve the problem. And it’s not going to have an affect on overall population. It’s really strange we don’t allow this with the grizz to the full extent yet. Or am I wrong? If a rancher sees a grizz killing a cow/calf can he shoot on site? What’s that chicken owner allowed to do in Ovando if they catch the grizz in action raiding their coop?
Grizzly bear reproduction is far less than Bobs, or Yotes. If every conflict between Griz and man ended in a dead bear, we'd run out of Griz long ago. Although very sensational, this is an isolated incident. It's not common thank God and should be looked upon as just that.

Humans always look for some smoking gun as to the "WHY" of something happening. It's rare but for the Top dog, maybe it just is and opportunity for some protein.

BTW, I'm for Grizzly hunting to open up and maybe a min. number like the good old days is warranted. Just makes sense that Griz in populated areas would be more susceptible to harvest, and maybe less of a news story.
I bet you were pretty scared to check your bird feeders after seeing that!
I don't remember seeing a bird feeder anywhere until I was in high school. We put up bird houses but no feeders. Ever. Wasting critical family funds on bird seed was something my dad wouldn't abide.
Here’s and out of the box idea... a non-lethal / OTC / no limit season allowing tagholders to go out and conduct aversive conditioning within 10 miles of any town limit. Rubber buckshot? Flash bangs? Pepper spray? Blunts for the archery guys? Would make for some adventurous encounters! Not sure how you would score the trophy though. Maybe 1 point for locating a bear, 10 points for initiating an encounter, another 10 you survive?

In all seriousness, and coming from an eastern state with overpopulation of black bears, the only way hunting will result in fewer attacks is if enough bears learn to be afraid (unlikely, as dead bears dont learn) or if population is reduced substantially such that the portion of bad encounters is reduced commensurate with the likelihood of ANY encounter (many fewer bears in general).
Hunting grizz would not have prevented either of the two tragedies in Montana. The missing hiker in the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness is a solo peak climber for whom the search is ongoing. Not worthy of speculation regarding a bear attack incident.

I am supportive of grizz bear hunting, but to assert that it will prevent or even reduce bear - human encounters and mauling incidents is invalid.
I never said a hunt would reduce the recent conflicts, did I?
However, since you brought it up. It's almost impossible to say one way or the other what effect a season would have.
If a rancher sees a grizz killing a cow/calf can he shoot on site? What’s that chicken owner allowed to do in Ovando if they catch the grizz in action raiding their coop?
Is this a chicken coup or a bait pile for griz? The only differentiation is intent, which is difficult to discern.

Last night a person living on the Double Arrow in Seeley had a Black Bear look in his bedroom window. The window is 5 foot off the ground. It then ripped of a screen on his porch door. This apparently spooked the bear and he took off headed west. This occurred on Moose lane at 1:58 am. Last week another person reported a broken car window believed to be another bear trying to get in for what ever reason. Maybe he was tired of walking LOL.
The point is there are a number of both Black & Grizzly's in our area. Bears get conditioned to easy food and seek it out where ever they can thus we have dangerous encounters. These are normally the fault of opportunity's created by people in the area. It's a tricky balance and everyone needs to pay attention to what they do so as not to create a problem.
Off topic though not completely... and working off Dan O's post as I type this on my phone as a hummingbird crazily buzzes at me to go away; Would hummingbird feeders fall under the no bueno umbrella?
If I follow by my backcountry griz camping deal, I don't keep anything aside from water in my sleep area. I wouldn't have any sweetener based agua in sleep camp.

Though our house? Suppose it's a matter of frequency vs comforts a person has to weigh... heh, interesting thought. My wife loves the hummingbirds. I comment she's a free Pablo distributor and she frowns at me. Haha!
Not sure what Sow I'd rather face. :)

Had it out since moving to this location with a few that we know passing through... black and griz. They keep their distance due to our dogs, etc. Hmmm...
There is and has been a black bear season for decades, yet there are hundreds of problem black bears relocated and/or euthanized every year. Hunting clearly hasn’t kept them overly fearful of humans. Bears are driven by their need for calories. Everything else is secondary. Assuming this would be different for griz is illogical and fails to account for their biology. Why do you think so much money still goes into bear aware campaigns in bear country, even those areas with hunting seasons?
I see what you're saying but I think a lot depends on location, population density, and other factors. I have seen a significant increase in black bear population and human/bear conflict that correlates precisely to the banning of hound hunting a few years ago.
I see what you're saying but I think a lot depends on location, population density, and other factors. I have seen a significant increase in black bear population and human/bear conflict that correlates precisely to the banning of hound hunting a few years ago.
Absolutely agree. My point is that hunting doesn’t reduce conflicts by teaching bears anything. How many bear hunters are trolling the ‘burbs looking to shoot a problem bear behind someone’s house? Any reduced conflict is almost exclusively due to reduced populations, better population distribution, and reduced rates of bear/human contact. Not all hunting results in reduced populations.
While I was working at Sportsman warehouse just prior to their buyout from Whole sale sports I saw a map of a GPS collaring study on Grizzly's. I said it was a 10 year study and it tracked the Bears travels. The map printed had the Seeley/Swan valley filled in with their track. It covered from the Placid area north of Summit lake. There were very few tracks into the Bob or Mission Wilderness's. The study also said one bear stayed most of it's time near cabin's and residence's near Seeley and dropping it's collar near the Seeley Lake campground in the fall. This bear did not have any conflicts according to the study.
Since that study the influx of people that migrated to the Seeley/Swan area has exploded. These folks normally do not understand the issue and learn the hard way. But that's just my opinion YMMV.

Yes, hummingbird feeders count.

I’ve seen a lot of bears messing with hummingbird feeders.

Ulterior intent > Aside from showing her this post... I'm going to excuse myself somewhat when I show her this thread. :)

Any care to be expert witnesses @ my Divorce hearing?

I tell her each time she's letting cool her sugar water... Especially after the neighbors bird feeder events. Meh, spouses.
Not sure what Sow I'd rather face. :)
Well, I showed her. I forgot the quoted line above... "You sure should know". w/ a heavier handed smack to my arse.

Her response: "I'll shoot the Mother F-r in self defense..." She typically doesn't swear less really peeved at me.

And she would. Haha! It's live with or a happenstance event. 🤷‍♂️

And if any of you want to pump y'er keyboard chest and type you'd lay down the law... you must be divorced. 🤣

Back to my Sunday corner welding a loose fender on the boat trailer...
I received a PM semi- reprimand about giving in on a hummingbird feeder deal.
Good enough points and pretty much agreeable.
I shared my wife's agreeable compromise pic and all's well. So to any who may have the same concerns, my wife and I work very well to find mutual compromise.

While I'd prefer nothing, well - most spouses know it's a mutual agreement on as many occasions as possible. Here's the pic shared.

I apologize for the humored diversion from the tragic situation though it is applicable. Far more applicable semi diverson than most threads here. Haha! :)



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