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Yellowstone River grizzly carcass


Jan 29, 2021
So has anyone else seen the news of the “problem food conditioned grizzly” that MT FWP euthanized?

Bear was shot while in the river near Gardner and it died and floated downstream. They located the bear and simply removed the feet and head and left the rest of the carcass in the river.

Seems like it has generated a bit of frustration that it was done in such a manner.

I didn’t include a link but an search will bring up a few articles quite easily about it.
I’d rather feed the eagles and coyotes than throw it in a landfill, which is what they would have had to do with it otherwise. It might offend some people’s sensibilities, but sometimes that’s what you have to do with a bear that’s causing problems. I don’t see how it’s any different than an elk carcass, a a dead horse or cow, or anything else.
Sounds like it was too dangerous to remove the entire carcass but they could get the head and claws. I don't see the issue with leaving the carcass in the river. Should be consumed in short order I'd guess.
Floated by the carcass yesterday on the bank. It's a big bastard. Probably would have rather seen it taken out of the river somewhere else to get feasted on by other critters. But really doesn't bother me too much.
Sounds like it was too dangerous to remove the entire carcass but they could get the head and claws. I don't see the issue with leaving the carcass in the river. Should be consumed in short order I'd guess.
I read the same sound-bite. By the pictures I have seen it looks like any other section of a river that gets floated by every day. Seems like FWP could have done a better job of out of sight out of mind, and decided to leave it there. I of course have absolutely no say (other than complaining) but it sure seems like leaving a bear carcass on the side of a river during max tourist season would eventually get me a ticket.
Floated by the carcass yesterday on the bank. It's a big bastard. Probably would have rather seen it taken out of the river somewhere else to get feasted on by other critters. But really doesn't bother me too much.
As you were THERE, was it an especially bad spot in the river to access? Picture looks like the edge of a riffle….
Makes no difference to me. Why not feed scavengers?
Flipside, take the time to dismember but no effort to dispose of out of sight?
We always had to remove any big game animal carcass from waters of the state. Nasty, gross, disgusting work !!!! 🤢
As you were THERE, was it an especially bad spot in the river to access? Picture looks like the edge of a riffle….

Unsure the validity of this but was told the bear initially came to rest on an island that is well used as a stopping point for lunch and breaks for river trips. It was then pushed back into the river where the carcass floated down to where the picture was taken. If true, and it initially came to rest on the island, then yes it would have been very difficult to remove to another location.
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