PEAX Equipment

Greenhorns poll on Assault weapons

How do you feel about AR-15 rifles

  • The current laws are fine

    Votes: 104 52.8%
  • Ban them like in the past, we don't need them for any reason

    Votes: 13 6.6%
  • I think the GOV should regulate small arms further

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • Confiscate them now

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • I don't own one but I feel strongly that the 2nd amendment allows it

    Votes: 93 47.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Oak, it was in the newspaper and current events at the time of the incident. I don't make it a habit to store information, sorry. I'm sure that if you'd like to take the time to research the incident and read the reports, you will see the comments where the term was used. I have to believe that there are others on here who read the same articles or heard the same descriptions, so maybe someone else can provide a link that would satisfy your curiosity.

A Google search is pretty easy to do, even for you. Here, I did one for you. I think you are making up the "tactical bow" comment.
Oak, are you arguing that agendas aren't driven by sensationalistic misinformation?

I'm not joining this site to study the context of 'assault bow'....might be a poster's assertion or a 'scooper'..

Hero instructor fought son in Wyoming college bow-and-arrow murder ... › … › The "off topic" discussion lounge15 replies from December 3 2012
Hero instructor fought son in Wyoming college bow-and-arrow murder-suicide Share ... usually they call it an "assault bow." #11 ...
nhy, I was mostly making the argument that rhomas is a tool that makes things up to fit his argument. I admit that I didn't do a search for "assault bow", because the term he put in quotes was "tactical bow." If you can find a place where the mainstream media used that term, I will apologize for entering a discussion I really didn't want to be involved with in the first place.:W:
I did see them use the term "high powered bow" in the media on that story and I did post it in a different thread someplace. No denying the media likes to blow things out of proportion and make up new names. The Trevon Walker case is the first time I ever heard someone was killed by a "white Latino" :confused:
Oak, you know an assault bow is any bow that is painted black and has a high capacity quiver:D
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Oak, for your information, I have never made up any thing I've posted, here or any where else! If you can take the time to try and prove my comment false, then at least take the time to look it up correctly. The term used was "tactical bow", which I had never heard of, and still haven't been able to discern from any other report what it referred to, whether it was a compound or a cross bow. I may have posted opinions that many of you didn't like or agree with, but I never posted anything that would indicate that it was false. As I said, if you doubt my veracity, do your own fuggin' work and prove me wrong!!!!!!!!!! BTW why did you enter into a conversation you didn't want to be involved with in the first place, unless it was to interject your brand of personal dislike towards a carefully thought out and reasonable comment??????? Once again, providing more evidence of the type of wedge described in my comments. I won't lower myself to get involved in a tirade against any one's choice of hunting methods, but apparently my comments struck a nerve.
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I haven't been able to find the list of 120 guns that Feinstein will try to ban but I did find the summary of the bill that lists "Certain other semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and have one military characteristic"

Being a rail system has been listed as a "military characteristic" that puts every Glock, XD, USP, and 1911 with a rail system on the list. I wouldn't feel any differently if I woke up tomorrow and couldn't go buy an AR but the fact that it also says

"Protects legitimate hunters and the rights of existing gun owners by:
 Grandfathering weapons legally possessed on the date of enactment
 Exempting over 900 specifically-named weapons used for hunting or sporting purposes"

Makes me wonder what happens if I own a gun not on the list of 900? and that added to the "Military Handgun" ban scares the hell out of me.
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