Great scope for a great cause

I guess they sold out of rifle tickets.I requested imfo thru 2 pm's never heard back.I guess I missed both raffles.Nice job of you and your sponors helping out these kids have some fun
Congratulations to the winner. A lot of Karma with this win. Draw you best tag next year.

I felt good participating, That part of New Mexico is impoverished. No Jobs. Wonderful people. Good fishing and hunting. Great country.

I entered this contest for the Karma. Big Fin has mucho Karma, Did a good thing!
I do not think Randy know what he it has done.

This is the area of the Tierra Armadiilla land grant fights. Reyes Tejerina lead these fights in the 70's , The Hispanics got screwed,

Met the man several times, He was a proud arrogant man. Admired him for his fight,
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Hey guys , sorry that I haven't got back to the pm's. I have been busy doing a fund raiser dinner for a local resident that has cancer. The rifle raffle has been going well looks like we will have them sold a lot sooner then I expected . Thanks to all for the support and Congratulations to the scope winner.
Now that I am home, I thought some would like an update about the scope we raffled here on Hunt Talk, the Howa rifle we sent, and some other goodies that came via donations. Suffice to say, your money went to a great cause.

We were down there again in October for a hunt with our Sweepstakes winner. Coach Carlos put on a big spread for us, as he always does. His family is so welcoming.

The day prior to season, he had a bunch of the basketball team members come up to his cabin area where we were parked. A great group of kids. They were very appreciative to all of you who helped raise money for their team.

End result was $12,000 being raised for this team. The school board required it be made available to both the boys and girls programs, which it was. Even better, in my mind.

The team went 12-4 last season. They all had new shoes. All got to eat meals when on road games, and not a single kid was turned away due to finances. When season was over they still had $7,000 in the account for this upcoming season.

Before we ate the great meal cooked by Carlos' wife and mother, the team gave me this basketball they had signed. They asked me to tell all of you how grateful they are that strangers would be so kind and generous to their cause. It was one of the highlights of my season. These are great young people and spending a couple hours with them made this trip to New Mexico very special.


Thanks to all of you who made these kids feel special. They appreciate your kindness more than these words can explain. I can assure you that you made a difference in the lives of a few youngsters.
Thanks for the update and giving us the chance to be part of a great fundraiser.
I'm glad to have helped out in some small way. Every kid deserves to be able to participate if they want, and I'm glad they got to.
That is so cool! Thanks for the update. One of the reasons I love this group and the MeatEater group is because it seems like a lot of the leaders of each respective group care more about humanity and the big picture than their individual hunting efforts. Hunting is just the particular endeavor that you guys have chosen (or been taught) to be passionate about, and that passion is contagious. I think it makes this world a better place, and this is evidence of that, IMO.
It definitely would have been cool to meet the kids this year! Good to hear how everything is going with Carlos, Leon, and crew (the two brothers and their families are salt of the earth) ...
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