Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Great scope for a great cause

Just put my check in the mail to you. Seems like I have seen these guys somewhere.
After the 1st I'm in Randy.
I am amazed at how well some of the local kids turn out with just a chance.
Every time there is a fund raiser for these kids in Quemado or Datil or up northern NM I give when I can.
I have no kids of my own and just enjoy seeing some have a life changing experience from possibly one event or season.
I remember a coach who showed me my potential,his name was Brooks Robinson and he gave me a chance when my mom gave me some encouragement. He showed me a boxing ring,I was hell on a ballfield.
There but for the grace and hard work of my mother go I......oh and a baseball hero.
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This is a great cause.
The check will go in the mail tomorrow.

Is the raffle for the Howa 7mm going to be open to the public (as in Hunt Talkers?)
I'm going to get a check out tomorrow. With the wife being a teacher in the poorest school district in the state of Ohio, I know exactly what it is like to have to raise funds for sports. Sports are always cut first when the district suffers financial dire straits.
I have hunted in northern New Mexico several years, stayed in the same cabin that Randy mentioned and am proud to call these 2 brothers friends. They both have a heart of gold!! One of the brothers comes up to Bozeman to snowmobile with my partner. I am sure they will appreciate any help with funding this basketball team.
This is very nice of you, and i am sure it will be greatly appreciated. My check will be in the mail Monday.
Not sure if either of the brothers is a member of Hunt Talk but I received a personal email from one of them asking me to thank everyone for their help and participation. These are 2 great guys with hearts of gold.

From them, thanks to all who are supporting this endeavor!!!!

Thanks for the opportunity to give these young men a boost. So many directions they have to choose. Great that there are men willing to give them a few directions.

(My check is in the mail.)
I had the opportunity to hunt with Randy in New Mexico last month, having won the inaugural "Win a Hunt with Randy Newberg" Sweepstakes. I can back up everything Randy has stated --- two AWESOME brothers (and family) who have hearts of gold!!!

To all here on HuntTalk who might find $50 looking for a good home, here's a perfect place where it REALLY will make a difference in the lives of some kids less fortunate than you!

Tomorrow's the deadline to contribute --- let's see how much brighter we can make some kids' lives ... :)

P.S. I've been remiss in not posting up about the Sweepstakes hunt (no excuses). My sincere apologies to Randy (and to you all). Look to see a recap shortly ...

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