Great scope for a great cause

I was definitely waing to know how much we raised.

A little over $3,000. I got home late last night and I still have a few PP invoices that are not yet paid. Hoping those get paid today, and when they are paid, I will draw. If they aren't paid by Friday, I will cancel the invoices and draw then.

Amazing generosity from all of you. Can't thank you enough.

We also sent them a Howa rifle to raffle as a grand prize, along with some other donations. They are selling tickets locally for $25 each, with a limit of 350 tickets. If they sell all of those, they will raise another $8,000+.

Thanks guys. As is always the case, the Hunt Talk crowd can be counted on when the cause it right.
how can we get in on the howa drawing/raffle??I didn't even notice this drawing till now.What an awesome cause to help some young kids in sports
Good morning all, I am the coach on the far right in the photo with my boys. First off ,a great many thanks to all that have helped with the scope raffle , the money will be put to good use. It will help with put glasses on my players that need them. I will also be contributing some funds towards the girls middle school girls team . The rifle and scope are the grand prize , in the raffle along with some other prizes , that are being sold by myself and the boys along with my brother and wife . We are selling only 350 chances and between my wife . brother and myself we have sold 15 of the 10 ticket books. Some of the boys are struggling to sell the $25.00 dollar chances and thus I will probably have to help them. So with that said , if you pm me I will sell remaining tickets to all that want some .The drawing will be held at our first home game on Jan. 14th .
Coach, first off thank you so much for what you are doing. I can only imagine what the long term affects of what you are doing. You are truly an inspiration. As a former football coach at our local high school, I sympathize with the need for glasses. Too often a kid that couldn't catch a cold instantly was transformed when they finally got glasses. That shows me how aware you are of your kids needs. Thanks again and God bless the work you are doing. Also, welcome to the forum.

Sent you a PM. I'd like to contribute to the raffle if it's not too late.


I am impressed. I had assumed that the funds were for travel and meal expenses.

That you are helping we the kids basic needs, makes this so more meaningful.

Thanks CO3 and thanks Big Fin.

PS: I think you limited the Howa to your local community. If you post on here that you need to sell the last 100, I am sure I would take a shot, With this forum and community, I am sure you will receive your support.
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Thanks guys you all are generous and kind. Monies raised from the rifle and other prizes will need to be turned into the school, from there I provide all their meals and shoes etc. From the scope raffle I will help the girls team and get glasses for who ever needs them. Also I will give the kids that need a little side cash to buy gatorades and snacks.
It's hard for me to imagine that there are areas where kids who can't see aren't able to get glasses. It's a good thing that you are doing.

Count me in for one of the remaining rifle tickets if you can't get rid of them all.
I think Big Fin is back in the field right now. Guessing it might be a few more days before we find out who gets the scope.
As much as I admire Big Fin, he has a great life. He must also have a great wife. My wife would shoot me if was gone as much as he is. He must do many honey does when he is home. I think flowers are very prominent!
As much as I admire Big Fin, he has a great life. He must also have a great wife. My wife would shoot me if was gone as much as he is. He must do many honey does when he is home. I think flowers are very prominent!

I don't think the honey do list is very long at Big Fin's house if I remember right from another post. Something about show me a guy thats good with tools and I'll show you a guy that doesn't get to hunt much. Something like that. Lol
....I heard that quote this year from the horses mouth.....and his wife is still nice .....amazing!
Hey guys, just in at 4 AM after a nine hour drive, much of it thread blizzard. Mrs. Find has all 83 entries in the sydyem. I just need to select the random number and notify the winner.

A check for $4,150 is being mailed today. You guys are amazingly generous. Thanks for all the great support.

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