PEAX Equipment

Gov't Shutdown Closes National Wildlife Refuges

And the National Parks; my family's annual Yellowstone / Grand Teton excursion will be confined to Jackson this year. Bastards.
Hopefully to only last a week at the most...- Least I hope. I currently am working w/o pay (Thankfully to be paid once the CR goes through) The piss portion = my annual leave is cancelled - and my wife and I have a trip paid for Jamaica Sandals come Oct 20th...

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Hopefully to only last a week at the most...- Least I hope. I currently am working w/o pay (Thankfully to be paid once the CR goes through) The piss portion = my annual leave is cancelled - and my wife and I have a trip paid for Jamaica Sandals come Oct 20th...

Hopefully this is short lived. I have work at the office, but I am not even allowed in the building until resolution. Not cool.
Hopefully this is short lived. I have work at the office, but I am not even allowed in the building until resolution. Not cool.

I hear ya. They called me in on Monday to lock up my equipment and shutdown & lock away my computer. I was ordered to stay away from the office this morning. Several of my Sage grouse projects are nearing completion so we'll see how that goes.
My daughter and I have planned a 4 day hunt on a refuge in NC. We hunted all day yesterday, didn't watch news of course, we continued hunting this morning. I noticed the lack of other hunters and even told her..."it looks like no one else is hunting and we're the only ones here today"! 113,000 acres with one truck was quite obvious something wasn't right.:confused:
Evidently I was right! Just happened to pull up another forum were they were talking about it. We got out as quick as possible, packed up and headed home! That was a bummer! We've both have been really looking forward to this trip.:mad:
Go hunt it. Who's going to stop you. Just cause our politicians are idiots doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to access public grounds.
It's sad that a fight about the federal budget has come to this.

but isn't the reality that the Government has ignored the budget and debt for too long?? When is it wrong to say enough is enough? We have bills to pay that we do not have money for but some of us think it is OK to go further and further into debt. A year or two is not the end of the world but when our debt goes on for this long when is it time to be responsible and say it is time to trim some fat? I for one am sick of the taxes that I pay and do not want to pay a larger percent anymore even if it means I see some entitlements taken away from others.
And what sense does this make...

From KXLF:

"A portion of U.S. Highway 191 passes through the far northwestern corner of Yellowstone National Park. Nash says that road would remain open in the event of a closure, but he says people will not be allowed to use park trails along the highway. He says park rangers will patrol the road and would enforce no-use rules, traffic regulations and other park rules during any shutdown."
My daughter and I have planned a 4 day hunt on a refuge in NC. We hunted all day yesterday, didn't watch news of course, we continued hunting this morning. I noticed the lack of other hunters and even told her..."it looks like no one else is hunting and we're the only ones here today"! 113,000 acres with one truck was quite obvious something wasn't right.:confused:
Evidently I was right! Just happened to pull up another forum were they were talking about it. We got out as quick as possible, packed up and headed home! That was a bummer! We've both have been really looking forward to this trip.:mad:

WOW! That is a real dissapointment!

Ben Lamb, Interesting enough, Outdoor Life article is the main google find when searching for this topic. Your with them, right? Good on you guys for the info. Hope it closes soon.
The refuges I've hunted on never have personnel present. It seems like somebody is trying to close them out of spite or just to piss people off. I don't like being a pawn.

I wonder who chose to do that? It was either congress or the obama administration. Something tells me congress wouldn't waste time on that kind of detail, but its just a hunch.
So can one still hunt the breaks, with all the blm and cmr in there is it still accesable with the governments actions?
So can one still hunt the breaks, with all the blm and cmr in there is it still accesable with the governments actions?

I spoke to one of the heads at the CMR and technically it is shut down as of today to any public access.
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