
Goodbye, Ruger

I’m so sorry to hear this. I know the pain and loss you feel, but it’s clear in the photos he was happy and loved.Im sorry for your loss. Nothing will replace him but you’ll always have the memories.
Sorry Brother. Sharing your pain.

Almost all our dogs have been acquired older, being problem dogs or rescues. We have a hill behind the house with a nice view. 5 mounds on it in the 30 years we have been here. Sometimes I still go sit up there and remember each one.
That always sucks to hear. My GSD is named Ruger. He is not a once in a lifetime dog. Sarge, my last GSD was that dog.

Sorry for your loss. I’m a lab guy too and although my Jada Bear doesn’t hunt worth a chit she’s been a central part of my and my wife’s lives and I can’t imagine the day when we have to say goodbye.

Ruger blessed you with some amazing memories and you’ve blessed us by sharing.
"Memories are lifes currency...make many and youll be rich beyond belief"
The Ghillieman
Your friend clearly has unselfishly given you many......
Honoring him, as youve done here, becomes permanently etched in the hearts of your fellow sportsman.....many thanks
Great looking dog. Sorry for your loss, I am relieved I didn’t hear this story in person otherwise I d have been weeping at the end. Nothing more beautiful than a dog who rises to the level of a man’s best friend.
It has taken me a while to be ready to share this. Earlier this year my once-in-a-lifetime dog Ruger reached the end of his amazing life. He was a central part of our lives for 12 years, and 12 years is nowhere near long enough for a dog like him.

His hunting skills were incredible to watch. He started watching birds fly when he was still a pup. He could mark distant fallen birds precisely, and no cripple could escape his nose and persistence. One day at a retriever club training day, the breeder I got him from took me aside and said "You have the dog everyone here wishes they had."

He was a great family dog too. He spent a lot of time in my lap, and often asked to have his ears massaged. In typical Lab fashion, he calmly put up with our little terrier who wanted to run the house.

I don't expect to ever have another dog like him. Life has changed too much. Most of the places we hunted geese are now either covered in housing developments or leased by rich people. There are more duck hunters in less space on the river, and as I get older I'm finding it more difficult to launch a boat hours before sunrise.

I'm thankful for every minute of the time we had together. My life is better for it. Thanks for the memories, my friend.
I had two beagles I spent many days afield with, it’s hard to express the joy those days meant to me and the friends and family that hunted with us. Those two dogs never gave up on a scent, and either holed the rabbit or brought it around. I know your pain my friend.
I hate to see these posts its so hard to say good by, your dog Ruger sounded a lot like my choc lab hunter hes gone now too for quite a while but never forgotten days in the field aren't the same
Sorry for the loss of your friend
No matter how lucky any of us are, there are those few who stand out. You honor the love, work, and birds you and Ruger shared with your grief.

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