Good Bye!!!


There are no limitations in MT or WY that I'm aware of for magazine limitations while hunting big-game or varmits.

I can hardly wait to spank some big game with the 50 round clip, I intend to use every piece of ammo too, that silly, restrictive law never made sense. How is a guy to make due while hunting big-game with only 10, 20, or 30 round clips??? I've been at a severe disadvantage the last few years.
I havent been able to buy those 50 round clips man! Thats been a huge disadvantage.

Its frustrating when you get into a herd of antelope, shoot the first 20 round clip and have to take the time to slap in another 20 round clip. You waste precious time taking the old clip out and popping the new one in. This gives them "prairie speedsters" time to get further away. The time it takes to reload for the second 20 allows them to get another couple hundred yards. No more of that now, not with the 50 round clips....
Originally posted by Delw:

page 61

r12-4-303 unlawful device methods and ammunition

#4 semi automatic centerfire rifles with a ,mag capactiy of more than five cartridges,unless the magizine is modified with a filler or stop that cannot be removed with out dissesembling the magizine.

I am betting WY and other states are the same,
Colorado was the same last time that I was there.
Originally posted by snake river rufus:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by ElkGunner:

We don't have a limit in Idaho, on Magazine capacity do we??? How many can you get in a .30-.30 (Mod 94)?

How many shells can you get in a standard caliber Mod 70?
Just exactly what does rifle design have to due with laws dealing with capacity limits? </font>[/QUOTE]And still waiting,,,,,
When are they comin' out with a Clip, Errrrr MAgazine for the Muzzleloader... That Buck I jsut killed with one shot a few days ago almost got away but stopped short at 70 yards to "REST". How can this descrimination continue ?

Keep the AWB !!! ;)
Originally posted by BuzzH:
I havent been able to buy those 50 round clips man! Thats been a huge disadvantage.

Its frustrating when you get into a herd of antelope, shoot the first 20 round clip and have to take the time to slap in another 20 round clip. You waste precious time taking the old clip out and popping the new one in. This gives them "prairie speedsters" time to get further away. The time it takes to reload for the second 20 allows them to get another couple hundred yards. No more of that now, not with the 50 round clips....
Shows how well you follow issues you talk about, , it was everything over 10 rounds that NEW production of was banned and could not be affixed to a post ban rifle or handgun. 20's 30's 40' 50's and 100's rounders are and have been available for purchase all along they were just old stock.

Go breach a dam or something.
I'm sorry Buzz that was uncalled for, if it wasn't for people who didn't know what they were talking about this forum would die. And THAT sentence is speaking of both sides of issues.

No reason to apologize for got me, as I dont really know much about the AWB.

Unless a firearm is practical for hunting, I'm not interested in the slightest.
I don't think AWB had in reality has any thing to do with hunting.
It was supposed to get these guns off the "Streets" but as with all of these laws, they are only bandaids to the real problems. It sure looks and feels good, but doesn't do a thing for the root of the problem.
If these groups that promote things like AWB spent the energies they do on what they percieve as a problem, instead of the bandaids, they may have an effect, but they would also be hitting on those individuals they do every thing to protect.
This is fully a second amendment right and has nothing to do with hunting except to start limiting us to what we can take into the field. As you are right Buzz, you can hunt with a 50 cal. but who would want to, unless you were out just to shoot the heck out of living things. There are those that would take pleasure in such things, but I don't think there are many or any that reside on this board.
I used to use the 50bmg on pasture poddles(p-dogs)

it was a blast, nothing will beat a 22cal center fire for guts and gore though.

Rufus, How will you know if you hit them? There is nothing left to see..

I shot one once with a 300 weatherby shooting 180 grain ballistic tips. It turned the poor guy inside out and there was just some meat hanging on the hide. Not a lot left.


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