Good Bye!!!

Why would it be illegal???

I havent seen anything in the WY regs that limits the amount of ammo you can pack, have in an assault rifle or a limit on magazine capacity.
your kidding me right?

Az limits the mag caps to 5, no select fire and no full autos, no full metal jackets, no silenced weapons either.


Last I knew was that NM was the only state that allowed the use of silenced weapons for hunting, and it was for varmit hunting only.

Yeah baby, I can hardly wait to try out my 50 round clip on elk, deer, and antelope this year... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I havent seen anything in the WY regs that limits the amount of ammo you can pack, have in an assault rifle or a limit on magazine capacity.
I'm going to go ahead and assume you are kidding Buzz.

edit: I'm going to take that back, as I cannot find in any of the WY or ID statutes anything about magazine capacity. Assault rifles are illegal in ID, because an assualt rifle by definition is capable of full-auto fire. And you cannot hunt with any weapon weighing over 16 lbs, which I think covers the 50 round magazine.

Funny how none of the restrictions appear in the statutes. I must have learned in hunter safety that you SHOULDN'T (not CAN'T) do these things.

Now that I've cleared that up, can you tell us Buzz which of those things you mention were illegal under the assault weapons ban?

[ 09-14-2004, 12:13: Message edited by: Hangar18 ]

We don't have a limit in Idaho, on Magazine capacity do we??? How many can you get in a .30-.30 (Mod 94)?

How many shells can you get in a standard caliber Mod 70?
Originally posted by ElkGunner:

We don't have a limit in Idaho, on Magazine capacity do we??? How many can you get in a .30-.30 (Mod 94)?

How many shells can you get in a standard caliber Mod 70?
Just exactly what does rifle design have to due with laws dealing with capacity limits?
Who cares??? I personally think a 338 is overkill for hunting deer, so should it be outlawed? Are you the gun police to tell people what they can own??? Who said they were going to hunt with them anyway? You can just own guns for fun, and take them to the range an shoot em... they don't all have to be just for "hunting".

If hunters wanted to use assult weapons to hunt with and slap a high capacity magazines in it they would have been doing so since the AWB was put in place. You could still buy them... Its not like the AR-15 is the only version of the M-16 made...

The bill was a waste of time and money. It made the libs feel all warm and fuzzy thats it.
Originally posted by ElkGunner:

Do you know the answers to the capacity questions??? Make yourself useful once in awhile.
5 (if standard cal) 4 (if belted) and 7 if a standard 20" barrel. Now, why don't you make yourself intelligent? oh that will be a tough job, I'm sure. But try real hard. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Now answer my question, if you can. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by ElkGunner:
Make yourself useful once in awhile.
Make yourself useful- the dishes are dirty. :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I just thought it was interesting that Del claims AZ restricts to 5, but a model 94, the gun that won the West, is illegal to use in AZ.

And I would also infer that a Mod 70, in .270 would be illegal, as 1 in the barrel and 5 in the box....
Originally posted by ElkGunner:
I just thought it was interesting that Del claims AZ restricts to 5, but a model 94, the gun that won the West, is illegal to use in AZ.

And I would also infer that a Mod 70, in .270 would be illegal, as 1 in the barrel and 5 in the box....
It's only illegal to put that many in the weapon. ( if delw is correct) now answer my question :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I will pull the regs up and show ya.

I know that clip fed rifles are only allowed 5, I found taht odd since a 22 or a 30-30 can hold more rounds as well.
I know guys who have gotten tickets for hunting yotes with mini 14's and ar-15s with more than a 5 round magizine, maybay it has something to do with a semi auto . I dont know but will look them up.



page 61

r12-4-303 unlawful device methods and ammunition

#4 semi automatic centerfire rifles with a ,mag capactiy of more than five cartridges,unless the magizine is modified with a filler or stop that cannot be removed with out dissesembling the magizine.

I am betting WY and other states are the same,
Whats wrong elkgunner no comments on how you are wrong about the law?
I am betting I can find close to the same law in idaho, but since I dont live in idaho I wouldnt give you my interpitation of the law.

if you look at my post
your kidding me right?

Az limits the mag caps to 5, no select fire and no full autos, no full metal jackets, no silenced weapons either
I said nothing of the rifles you said I did.

#4 semi automatic centerfire rifles with a ,mag capactiy of more than five cartridges,unless the magizine is modified with a filler or stop that cannot be removed with out dissesembling the magizine.
That just ain't right. What if I want to take my blind uncle hunting. He needs the extra rounds so as I call out where his rounds are hitting and make adjustments accordingly. Does AZ have a clause for blind hunters??? Can I use the ADA to rectify this?? Please advise.
thats where Az discrimnates, I hear the the blind ass. is currently working up a lawsuit against game and fish for this issue.


You said AZ limits to magazines of 5...
Az limits the mag caps to 5, no select fire and no full autos, no full metal jackets, no silenced weapons either
And then you had to go look up the rule, and found out you were wrong. Bolt action and Lever action guns are fine with capacities of more than 5.

I am not sure where you think I was wrong, but based on your postings, it was obvious you were either wrong, or just stopped your explanation short of providing the full regulation.

And as for your comments about a similar law in Idaho, please find it. The nearest limitation I can find is the 16lb maximum for a gun.
Psst no I was right MAG. aka clips, the only reason I went to look and quote it was to shut you up about something you knew nothing about.

I hunt varmits with an ar-15 , thats why I knew the law about the magizine aka clips, and no I havent checked them in about 3 years until today.

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