Gonna rebarrel, but to what?


Mar 5, 2018
I've got a remington 700 that's currently chambered in 7mm rem mag. Needs a new barrel and I'm debating on going with another 7mm, thinking either RUM or 28 Nosler, or something in a 338 flavor.

Have no need for either, but this currently unusable 700 action is burning a hole in my pocket. Current go to is a 300wsm. Also have a 243 and 6.5 creed in the stable. I reload so as long as brass is available I can load for it.

I would suggest 6.5 PRC, 7mm stw, 28 nosler, 338 edge or if you want to have some fun a 25 prc with loaded with 131 blackjack bullets.
28 Nosler, 280 AI, or 300 RUM are all solid calibers. Can't go wrong with any of them.
How would recoil be in the 338 edge in a sub 10lb rifle? Practicality has me leaning towards the 7mm, but I kinda want a 338 just to have it.
..but then you wouldn't have a 7 mag...the most powerful weapon in the Northern Hemisphere. ; )

FWIW..big 7 Rem Mag fan.
Brass availability is key so your obvious choice would be 7mmRemMag which will do all a person really needs. 28 Nosler has its appeal but reliably finding brass can be tough. A handful of companies are making it now so maybe it won't completely disappear. If you can have the chamber cut to allow for longer bullets and get a 1:8 twist you can push some heavy copper real fast. Same with the 7RUM. Though I'm not sure 7RUM will be around much longer especially since the 28 Nosler came around

One of the big 30's is always fun. 300WinMag will do anything you need but I recommend going with a fast twist so you can shoot long, heavy bullets. 300RUM and 30Nosler both burn some powder which is always fun but most of the big 30's can be punishing to shoot. 300PRC would be fun but again long term brass availability is suspect.
I’d stick with the 7mm caliber. You already have a 30cal for most bigger game.
I like the 28Nosler but nothing wrong with a 7mm rem Mag either and twist it 8 to handle heavier bullets.
I had my 270 win rebored to 338-06. Cheaper than a rebarrel and a fun cartridge to shoot. Shoots sub MOA with both 185's and 225 grain Barnes TTSX. You could rebore your barrel to 338 wm.
I'd stick with the 7mag. IMO its one of the most versatile, lightest recoil rifles of the "magnum" bunch.
Go wildcatter and get 300PRC cases necked down to 25 cal. Then you can name it... something like 250 Annihilator. Practical NO, Awsome YES
realistically, tough to beat a 7mm mag, for any thing hunting,,,, ammo at every store, just in case, you have a magnum action and bolt face,,, ultra mag actions are a little diff in the feed rail, box, follower system,
26in barrel, 2b contour or something in that range with a 1in shank, 160 accubond at 3100-3200, pretty dang good all around weapon,,,,
If you want to step outside the box a bit, go with some type of hyper 6.5. If not, just re-barrel with a Criterion, 26-inch, heavy sporter 7 mag barrel.

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