GoHunt vs. OnX

When I first saw Brady Millers “how to e-scout for mule deer” video using go hunt maps and he started clicking buttons showing elevation ranges and transparency I almost jumped for it. That video is a couple years old now and I never did. Reading through this threads is interesting to see what others have to say. I’ve had OnX for what seems like my whole life, hunting seemed completely different without it. All that being said I have never used OnX on a desktop/laptop, but I open the app on my phone almost everyday scanning over and comparing terrain of places I’ve been in person to places I’d like to go. I’d pick OnX because it’s never let me down, very biased opinion.
onX for mapping, Go hunt for research, maybe I'm just used to it that way.

I use gohunt maps occasionally on desktop because I like the elavation band feature.

My gohunt maps aren't going unused though, I gave my son the login so he can learn it and I don't have to worry about him screwing up my onx, lol.
Okay so here is the southwest section of Unit 20A in South Dakota. GoHunt says its all tribal lands. OnX says some of it is Grand River National Grassland (green area). Who is right? Who do I trust?
onX for mapping, Go hunt for research, maybe I'm just used to it that way.

I use gohunt maps occasionally on desktop because I like the elavation band feature.

My gohunt maps aren't going unused though, I gave my son the login so he can learn it and I don't have to worry about him screwing up my onx, lol.
Same here. OnX for mapping, and GoHunt for draw odds and the filtering feature. For me, the OnX mapping and its features is top-notch. OnX appears to be getting better with their draw odds and unit profiles as well. It's becoming more and more clear to me that the only reason I still have a GoHunt Insider account is for the giveaways. Considering I've never won a giveaway in my life, it might be time to save about $150/yr.
OnX is easier to use and won’t be long before they catch up in draw odds etc.
I have both. If I was was forced to keep just on it would be onx/top rut. combo. I feel like from a value and performance perspective it’s better than Gohunt. Honestly Gohunt is getting hard for me to justify keeping
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I tried GoHunt last year and the GPS lag with it was terrible. Other than that it was OK
I run both as MN resident that heads out west to hunt. GoHunt has research and a few features that I find helpful in escouting, but does not cover MN or other Midwest states.
Love the viewshed analysis in OnX, but they have it in their beta platform, outside the main application. Really diminishes the benefits over Google Earth Pro if I have to switch platforms already.

The ability to make folders and export groups of points makes it easy enough to use multiple tools. I am also using Google Earth Pro with Treeline Academy's layers (Mark Livesay). None of them are the silver bullet tool, so it seems worth the relatively small investment to use them all. You also get the benefit of redundancy. If either tool goes down, I have all the main points loaded to an additional full-featured GPS hunt app.
1) onX for me. My hunting partner used GoHunt exclusively last year and is switching back to OnX.
- I tried using GoHunt as I got a free year as a perk with another product purchase. I immediately didn't like it in the field. Way to much information and made reading maps and making quick decisions almost impossible. I know you can turn layers off but the colors when certain ones were on just didn't work for me. I love the simplicity of OnX and the colors for the different layers just works for me.

2) On a computer pre season scouting GoHunt is pretty good and might slightly edge OnX. The 3d feature means nothing to me as I used Google earth bc I can change how much 3d I get making for a more realistic map imo.

3) I will stick exclusively with OnX for the reasons mentioned above. My only complaint with OnX was in some places they had winter maps which made finding green grass tough but found ways around it. With the new updates they have historical data which is really nice.
I did the same last year. Could be familiarity, but I MUCH prefer onX. Once onX came out with Top Rut, I canceled gohunt.
Spartan Forge is up and coming
I am a huge OnX fan. Great customer service every time and the elite is the bomb!
I use it for all 50 states when traveling and scouting as I drive by places I want to scout.
Hiking in the summer is great too.
Another year has come and gone. It's time to evaluate this again. Has there been any changes to either platform that justify going with just one over the other. I didn't even bother with GoHunt mapping this year so I can't speak to it. I've been strictly using GoHunt for application purposes and with some bookmarks and other services now included with OnX it's getting more difficult to keep GoHunt.
I ran both on my elk hunt this season. My take, GoHunt is hands down the go to for research and draw odds, and for desktop use I like their maps better. However, at least on my particular phone which is Android, ONX was WAY faster and smoother in the field as a mobile application. The GoHunt mobile app just took way too long to load virtually anything
I ran both on my elk hunt this season. My take, GoHunt is hands down the go to for research and draw odds, and for desktop use I like their maps better. However, at least on my particular phone which is Android, ONX was WAY faster and smoother in the field as a mobile application. The GoHunt mobile app just took way too long to load virtually anything

I feel the same way. OnX is best for my phone (iPhone) and I find more user-friendly in the field, but there are features for research and eScouting that I wouldn't want to lose in GoHunt. As the consumers, it's frustrating that we don't have a clear 'best' single app.
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