PEAX Equipment

Goat mount is done

Looks like the man cave is getting an awesome addition! Idaho goat? I always put in for goat here in WA, but I'm afraid I started too late to have much chance of it ever happening. If you don't mind, post a pic of it when it's in its' final location.
Awsome goat. Every year I apply here in NV but I probably won't draw the tag before I'm too old go climb up the mountain. We don't have many tags here.
Awsome goat. Every year I apply here in NV but I probably won't draw the tag before I'm too old go climb up the mountain. We don't have many tags here.

I hear ya. It can seem like a mountain to climb just drawing the tag but keep at it! Good luck.
Congrats, great pics! Who is your taxi? I'm semi local to you and looking for a good quality guy who doesn't lie about completion times. (i'm on month 12 waiting for my blackbear rug that was promised to be done in 6 months)
Great looking mount. I really like life-size mounts on mountain goats. That is how I did mine.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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