PEAX Equipment

Go hunt Landowner Tags

How does everyone feel about this? They are a sponsor and a donor of BHA. I would think that this does not represent BHA's core values.

I just feel uncomfortable with a sponsor of BHA making a profit from privatizing wildlife.
If you look deep enough, you'll get very uncomfortable. This isn't directed at BHA.
Somehow, someway, Fin will write a well thought essay on why he still feels like promoting/partnering the likes of gohunt is right for hunting and conservation and we will be left scratching our heads over these topics. I say this in hope of a response that may put our concerns at ease, but I don’t have much faith in that considering the facts. What’s great about Fin is his willingness to engage in a professional sincere manner and admit he doesn’t have the answers and is willing to consider other view points.

I’m currently extracting all the info I can from Gohunt (which is available elsewhere) then terminating my membership.

Hunt Quietly
I'm sure I will get accused of trying to stir up controversy. I am in a way. But it is because I do not think it is a good thing for DIY and public land hunters.

Many of those landowner tags sold are region-wide. TRCP did a report on this in New Mexico recently. those regionwide tags make the experience for the resident and nonresident hunter who goes through the regular avenues to get a tag.

I wish that the people and groups who we rely on to be advocates would take a stand against stuff like this or at the very least question it.
Somehow, someway, Fin will write a well thought essay on why he still feels like promoting/partnering the likes of gohunt is right for hunting and conservation and we will be left scratching our heads over these topics. I say this in hope of a response that may put our concerns at ease, but I don’t have much faith in that considering the facts. What’s great about Fin is his willingness to engage in a professional sincere manner and admit he doesn’t have the answers and is willing to consider other view points.

I’m currently extracting all the info I can from Gohunt (which is available elsewhere) then terminating my membership.

Hunt Quietly

You read my mind on this issue. I'm not as concerned about BHA on this issue as I am about the biggest proponent of DIY, unguided, public land hunting, who is also the biggest proponent of GoHunt.
I'm indifferent to it.

The states are the ones that make landowner tags. GoHunt is doing what a business does and trying to make money. I personally would love to see OnX, gohunt, optics stronger than 12X, range finders, long range shooting fad, etc go away and for folks to start hunting again, but that's just my opinion and everyone knows what they say about opinions.
Making a profit off “privatized” wildlife is no more gag worthy than the profits they’ve made off public wildlife for years.

Businesses operate to make money, and gohunt as never seen any of mine.
Making a profit off “privatized” wildlife is no more gag worthy than the profits they’ve made off public wildlife for years.

Businesses operate to make money, and gohunt as never seen any of mine.
Go hunt can do what they like. But if Newberg and BHA want to walk the talk they should distance themselves from go hunt.
It really rubbed me the wrong way to hear a guy like Hal Herring read a go hunt ad on his bha podcast.
Color me shocked a company who makes money off tax payer funded data that's already available to the public wants to make money by supporting avenues that privatize wildlife. There's a reason they've never got a cent from me, nor will they.
I’ve never hunted nor likely will ever hunt a private landowner tag but I’m okay with someone else doing it. Do we really wanna get so religious if you will about public land hunting being the only “ real “ hunting that we can’t find a spot at the trailhead when we get there? If these guys are on private somewhere they won’t be on the public I’m hunting.
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I personally would love to see OnX, gohunt, optics stronger than 12X, range finders, long range shooting fad, etc go away and for folks to start hunting again, but that's just my opinion and everyone knows what they say about opinions.

I would second this opinion.
I've soured on GoHunt over one thing...bunch of small things. When the corner crossing fundraising started last year I wanted to see them be supportive...they weren't and so I canceled my subscription before the next renewal. Helping market landowner tags...just another straw on the camel's back for not wanting to support them.
Serious question for anyone that wants to answer. Do you guys wake up in the morning looking for something to bitch about?

The tags are for sale no matter what. I don’t care who the middle man is. I also have no problem buying them. If they are available for anyone to buy then I’ll take advantage of that whenever I feel like it.

BHA is very much a fan of R3. It could be argued that GoHunt has made the barrier to entry significantly easier and therefore been a proponent of R3.

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