Caribou Gear

Girls I need your help

All I can say for Mini is I've been there done that. I'm that person who can't let go, no matter how much I know better.

Thank goodness I don't have to date anymore. I know I don't have the stomach for it. I feel for you my brother.
Let her go... move on .............

Pokey is full of Hotties that might like all that Rebar through your face.... :eek:
Start "dating" the hottest babe in town... make sure she see`s it and knows it! and make sure she knows your Doing it...and make sure you are "doing" the new one... and if she gets jealious great.. if not your still banging some "hot Booty".. its a win win for you... i know this from experiance... i`ve been married to the "hot Booty" for 27 years.... and i can tell you that after 1 week i forgot about my old flame alltogether.

But that "restraing order" was funny as hell. LMAO
He might want to start dateing the ugliest chick in idaho, that way he can play the sympathy card on her. ;)

Man! If you start that "gift of time" crap now you will have a hell of a time getting out to hunt and fish when you want. Happy anniversary Del "hairless one". I have 37 years and took me at least 15 to get her trained to where the only time that she wanted was time alone when I went hunting or fishing. People always ask me why I don't take my wife to Alaska when I go up to fish. HELLO. Good Time Charlies and the Great Alaska Bush company are two. Son, go hunting or fishing and don't worry about the wemmens. You will find one that will stalk you down and marry you soon enough.
Mini, the other guys are mainly right(restraining order will be a classic LMAO).

But I wouldnt do either. I would give her a fruitcake or a toaster for Christmas along with a pic of a piece of jewelry with the statement of that is what you would have gotten if you was still with ya.
If you knew ringer, you'd understand why his ole' lady covets her little "gift of time"!!! 'Course, mine does too! WTF :confused: :D
Yep Ringer, it's when I hear things like that from other men that I get down on my knees and give my man any thing he wants! :rolleyes:
How about a video of you banging some total hottie? It will make both of you happy LOL Well anyway forget her and move on, a year from now you will be kicking yourself for wasting money on her. JMO
schmalts, that is a great idea.......maybe even better if the lil hottie was one of her friends or her sister
Mojave-Can you give lessons to my little woman? I would prefer the video so let me know what it costs. Promise I won't pass it around to the other guys here. :D
BigHornRam said:
Note to self:

Do not come to this site seeking Dear Abbey advice.
Man you got that RIGHT! poor Minnie Moose he asks for advise from the "girls" and all he gets is us smart ass dudes [we just can`t help ourselves]
ringer said:
Mojave-Can you give lessons to my little woman? I would prefer the video so let me know what it costs. Promise I won't pass it around to the other guys here. :D

First of all I'm guessing ringer, you posted this on the wrong thread. What kind of lessons exactly do you want me to give your wife? If it's those related to this thread, they would be lessons for YOU on how to be a sweeter more atttentive husband. ;)

If you were talking about something off another thread then um, what does she look like? :D Be careful what you ask for. ;)

Incidently, have y'all noticed that Mini hasn't been back to glean knowledge from all of this spectacular advice?
cjcj said:
Man you got that RIGHT! poor Minnie Moose he asks for advise from the "girls" and all he gets is us smart ass dudes [we just can`t help ourselves]

Like men, women can't figure out women, either

Unlike men, we see it's futile to try
That is the most profound thing I've heard in a long time - and so very true!