Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Gillette WY to build nuclear power plants

The Terrapower plant that is going in at Kemmerer is projected to provide 345 MW of power and is sodium cooled. TerraPower is the company owned by Gates. The proposed manufacturing of the nuc plants in Gillette is not a Gates deal.
They are proposing making micro nuclear reactors to lease. WTF is micro nuclear reactor? A nuclear plant will be a terrorist target no matter if it produces 1 mw or a 1000 mw. It will need security.
Id be more worried about living next to the world's largest super volcano, which is past due for an eruption, than building a modern nuclear plant. Odds are neither would be a problem in my lifetime or multiple future generations either.

What about harnessing some power from volcanic activity like iceland?
Advancing nuclear technologies in the united states is a necessity. China is opening 5-10 nuclear plants a year, soon to produce more nuclear power than the united states. Its only a matter of time when we need power from something other than coal or natural gas.
Pretty sure that time was 20 years ago. I'm actually shocked at the misinformation about nuclear power that's still out there today, thought we were past that. Nuclear power is the only way to go at this point if we want a cleaner energy, really hope we start producing more nuke plants asap.
They are proposing making micro nuclear reactors to lease. WTF is micro nuclear reactor? A nuclear plant will be a terrorist target no matter if it produces 1 mw or a 1000 mw. It will need security.
Micro nuclear reactors will be crucial for the energy resiliency of our military installations and any critical infrastructure we don’t want to go down when China/Russia conduct a cyber attack. The opening of this plant and production of these reactors is a great thing for our national security.
Micro nuclear reactors will be crucial for the energy resiliency of our military installations and any critical infrastructure we don’t want to go down when China/Russia conduct a cyber attack. The opening of this plant and production of these reactors is a great thing for our national security.
I kinda had a hunch this was going to be another big government contract spending spree!🙂
They are proposing making micro nuclear reactors to lease. WTF is micro nuclear reactor? A nuclear plant will be a terrorist target no matter if it produces 1 mw or a 1000 mw. It will need security.
...like the current reactors have I would presume. All navy subs and aircraft carriers operate on nuclear. Is that micro enough? The only difference here is that this will be sodium cooled instead of water.

With the depth of Yucca Mountain there is no public health concerns to the community, but there are perceived concerns which make people vote a certain way or lobby politicians a certain way.

Which is brought up in the article you posted about the political issues.

If you bury it underground a seal off the entry, it can be there for all eternity without causing an impact to the environment. Even if the container corrodes it is sealed underground.

Nuclear is a high density power generation, which means you have less waste especially compared to coal, solar, and wind.

Being able to bury underground beneath the water table, makes an easy way to dispose of it.

Whether it is politically viable, that is another story.
Worst case scenario there will be some rad non typical genes in the future.
That is not how radiation generally works.

If it was true, then the sun would case more random genetic effects.

This thought comes from movies like the incredible hulk.

Most often when we are exposed to ionizing radiation (Food, The Sun, Radon, Smoking, Pollution) our bodies repair any damage that occurs.

When our bodies can't repair the damage it can result in cell death or cancer.

The mutations common in movies are playing on the fear of radiation, but the reality is our bodies are amazing at catching errors in the genetic code and repairing them with enzymes.

The reality is, if mutations like this occurred then sunburns or household Radon would radically change physical appearances of people giving them third arms or the such.

Most chronic radiation exposure (low levels over a long time) does not have any more significant effect than other lifestyle choices (diet, exercise, chemical exposure, etc).

Acute (high levels over a short period) are extremely rare. You would need something like 1,000 dental x rays to meet your annual dosage.

In the US the limit is 50 mSv per year and a dental x ray is 0.005 mSV.

Most people get 1.5 - 3.5 mSv per year with background radiation (about a 1/3 due to Radon).

You would have to do something really stupid to be acutely exposed to radiation or piss off the Russian government.
Advancing nuclear technologies in the united states is a necessity. China is opening 5-10 nuclear plants a year, soon to produce more nuclear power than the united states. Its only a matter of time when we need power from something other than coal or natural gas.

I don't know how much to believe coming out of China in terms of energy or anything really.

They are building all sorts of nuclear, wind, solar, etc, but still use a shit ton of coal, oil, and natural gas.

They have ghost cities where housing is built (Sometimes finished or not finished).

They have one of the fastest shrinking populations in world history and they have over counted their population by millions.

By 2100 without war, famine, disease, their population can easily cut in half.

China is also a country that is not attractive to immigrants to supplement their population.

The government is a cult of personality and anything they say should be taken with a grain of salt.
I grew up less than 2 miles from a nuclear power plant. Kept the Mississippi River open and the smallmouth active all winter. I think nuclear power is pretty rad.

The National 9 is a far bigger biohazard.
Nothing like launching the boat in December January below the dam and piling in some fish ! Pool 4 is a great fishery.
They are proposing making micro nuclear reactors to lease. WTF is micro nuclear reactor? A nuclear plant will be a terrorist target no matter if it produces 1 mw or a 1000 mw. It will need security.
Nuclear Power plants have security, probably one of the safer installations.

Off shore oil rigs, solar farms, oil refineries, natural gas pipelines, oil pipelines, etc have no where near the security of a nuclear power plant.

There are also fail safes as well. If something happens it shuts the reactor down.
Nothing like launching the boat in December January below the dam and piling in some fish ! Pool 4 is a great fishery.
I’m from a little further (a lot further) upstream but if I grew up down there I’d def have spent a lot of time on Pool 4. I am but a lowly sausage soaker from Monticello, MN.
i still think we should still use our coal,,,{cleanly} and quit railroading it clear over to china for them to burn it dirty.

This is also in the works for Wyoming.

You got to hand it to Wyoming for allowing companies to come in and try all this technology.

Wind, Solar, Nuclear, Coal, Natural Gas, and Oil.

Need energy, we got you - Wyoming