Get your deer/elk tested for CWD!


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2010
Bozeman, MT
I got a call today from the local FWP biologist saying the deer I shot last weekend tested "suspect" for CWD. I shot it on the outskirts of Bozeman in the weapons restricted area. MFWP needs to do another test to confirm the result, but I guess it is rare that the preliminary test is wrong.

This deer was a doe in very good condition. Nothing at all made me think anything was wrong with it. I submitted the sample figuring they could use the data and never dreamed it would test positive. It was the first animal I've ever had tested.

So get your critter tested! You can take your deer head to a FWP office or it is fairly easy to remove the lymph nodes yourself and send them in. Do it... it looks like this disease is systemic in MT.

So @RobG what will you do? Eat or not eat if/when the preliminary findings are confirmed?
If it's confirmed I'll throw it away. I need to bleach the knives and saws I used. As I understand it they don't think it will infect humans at this time, but the less infected meat people eat the less likely it will jump species.
If it's confirmed I'll throw it away. I need to bleach the knives and saws I used. As I understand it they don't think it will infect humans at this time, but the less infected meat people eat the less likely it will jump species.

With suspected or confirmed CJD (human prion disease) the surgical instruments used in surgery are destroyed/never used again.

I haven't been faced with such a decision, but my plan is to follow the "Pa Engels Rule". I know Pa Engels would eat any deer he brought home, because that is the only option, but since I'm not Pa Engels, I can choose to be picky and not take that chance.
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