What do American deer hunters need to know about chronic wasting disease?


Active member
Dec 26, 2021
SW Oklahoma
1. Where can a hunter have his quarry tested?
2. What is done to safeguard the meat until the test results are gotten?

I would hate to spend money on deer processing only to find out the animal tests positive later on.
Can the meat be preserved before butchering while the CWD testing is in progress?

The threat of CWD seems to make deer hunting a gamble, not only to human health but to a hunter's savings account.
A deer found positive could make the harvest turn out to be a costly flop. You might be out some money on meat you have to discard.

PS - The man in the video states that 10 million American deer hunters a year contribute $40 billion into the economy. It would seem then that each and every deer hunter is averaging about $4K/year out of his pocket on average toward his annual deer hunting effort. His numbers seem really bogus. What do you really spend annually out of your pocket on deer hunting? This is just deer hunting alone. Not fishing and non-deer game hunting. I can see deer hunting to get quite pricey if paying a guide, a deer ranch or an outfitter. I don't fancy most American deer hunters pay guides and such.

1. tags
2. hunting license
3. permit
4. lodging
5. gasoline
6. food
7. guide/outfitter fees
8. day-use fees
9. ammunition
10. game bags
11. processor fees
12. CWD testing fees
13. land lease fees
14. taxidermy
15. hunter training/education courses
16. clothing/gear/supplies/boots
17. gun range fees
18. club membership dues

Once your gun or bow is purchased, it should last a lifetime of deer seasons. Boots, clothing, binoculars, etc. should also last for many years once acquired.

If you deer hunt DIY style on public-accessible lands it shouldn't likely be over $1K in out-of-pocket costs. The meat processing is probably the single biggest cost.
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I didn't watch the video, but I know some states will reimburse you the cost of processing if your animal tests positive.
1. Where can a hunter have his quarry tested?
2. What is done to safeguard the meat until the test results are gotten?

I would hate to spend money on deer processing only to find out the animal tests positive later on.
Can the meat be preserved before butchering while the CWD testing is in progress?

The threat of CWD seems to make deer hunting a gamble, not only to human health but to a hunter's savings account.
A deer found positive could make the harvest turn out to be a costly flop. You might be out some money on meat you have to discard.

What are you worried about catching some degenerative mind disease? Little late for that!
Some guys only spend 4k to kill a deer????? My wife wishes she was married to one of those dudes!!

Dude, process it yourself. Put meat in freezer. Await CWD test results. You could rebuild an old mower or something while you wait. After receiving test results you eat it yourself if it’s negative or give it to your annoying neighbor if it’s positive.

(That’s a joke btw)
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