PEAX Equipment


July 15 training starts here. You are right I can hardly wait. Dying to see what these new dogs can do. I have bought enough dogs over the years to know not to brag on them until I see them go.Unlike a couple guys I know in Maine that as soon as they buy a dog it is the next world champion bear dog before they even have it in the woods!!!!
I listened to one guy this winter go on and on about what a great cat dog he had.The dog would do this and that and this and that .... He sounded like he had owned him from a pup. When i asked what the dog looked like he said he wasnt sure because he had just sent the guy the money for the dog and was shipping next week !!!! LOL
Antone seen Tobey lately ?????
Sure know what ya mean bout braggin on a hound before ya see him go.LOL Sounds to me like you've done real well in your dealins out west.Its hard to spend that kind of money without seein a dog under the tree,but from what you have said,you been dealin with one of the last few honest people in this world.Talked to Dale fri nite on the phone,he's been showin those folks from places like boston where the smallmouths are lurkin.LOL Ask him to tell ya the story about the main Maine guide of GLS.LOL LOL Its a good one.Take care George.
George,I'm goin to get the lowdown on the illegal bearhunters this mornin.Talked to a feller on the phone last night that got wrote up for it.LOL He got 36 hounds for me to look at too.LOL LOL Mrs maineiac think she got it ruff.LOL
I will be anxious to hear who it was and what happened Mainiac. If you dont want to post it here use my email [email protected]
When are we going to get together for a run? How far are you from Tobey? I think he may have left the area .I havent heard from him or seen him post anything in a long time .LOL
Well I got the scoop,I'll email one mans version.LOL LOL As far as Tobey leavin Grand Lake Stream,I cant imagine anyone wantin to leave there.LOL Rode up in the county twice in the last week.To caribou fri.,and to Presque Isle today.Awful pretty contry,and havent been up that way in years.Rode thru bearbait's town.Saw a yard with 36 hounds in it today.Cant imagine it.Also saw one of Tim F's yote dogs.
I look forword to hearing it !! Tim F is the one who sold me my bear dog Spot. I think Tim is one of the best dog men i have ever met. He really knows a dog. Who had his yote dog??
Here I am :D :D
36 hounds I would have to run out of season and year round to keep half that menny hounds going LOL.
I only got 8 and I have to breake the law to train them.
How menny did you come home with Maineiac :D :D
Mrs Maineiac and the little Maineiacs accompanied me on this trip Dale,and the first thing she said was UNLOAD THE DOGBOX!! So had to leave the box home to resist all temptation.Really didnt see anything I wanted.Wendall said he knows a feller who owns Terra's sister.He told me he knows a feller who owns a dog out of some dog named Baldy.LOL I almost ****! He said be patient with her as this dog is also a late starter.Terra wants to run one of momma's housecats.Been watchin her an she tries to smell it when she hears it meow but cant see it.Stands up like a person an sniffs.Cant get rid of her yet.LOL LOL
I may need to get her back to fill a house this fall.I had to put down Foxy this morning :( Cancer was eating her up.
I hope theas young dogs and new ones step up and fill the gaps.Terra had a sister that tery gordan had that got her leg broke by a bear at one year old.There where only 3 in her litter and both the others where going strong the last I knew.
Dang Dale,sorry to hear that.I was thinkin you got rid of her,but that was Brandy wasnt it.Either her or that little blue dog I got Dale.She's a vicious little one Dale.She aint scared of nothin.She's sort of a hand full still,But I think you'd be better off with her.It dont matter to me though,for that matter you can take that old male too.LOL LOL
Sorry to hear that Tobey. When a dog gets to that age and starts having problems there really isnt anything else you can do. You should have a pretty good shot at some of that young stuff turning out i would think.
That blue female just turned 2 so this should be a real good year for her and that Ranger sounds like he'll be a dog this year.Rock is still a young dog but he was really cranking last season.One really good thing about him I think you will like as I really did. He is never any problems when you take him.No babbling,or growling.he handles really really well. I would say he handles about like Whiskey. Last year he was the one dog I had that went everytime and was on every kill.
Now I had that other young walker male that I sold last winter.He was a real big hound.He was doing an excellent job and had even treed a bear by himself but he was a pain sometimes.Took 2 people to hold him on a leash.LOL Wouldnt shut up if you had another dog out,would bark right through a no bark collar. Ability wise I would say he was right there with Rock but alot of days I didnt take him if there was only myself and a client as he was difficult to take out on a leash.You know it is kind of funny.I sold him to a guy down south for a pretty reasonable price.The guy has had him now for 5 months and he never got back to me and said how he liked him. If he didnt like him I think I would have heard wouldnt you think?? The way he was coming on I would bet he is probably leading his pack right now, I sure would like to know though.
GeorgeP, Tobey, and Maineiac, man haven't heard from you boys in a while. Hope your training season goes off some pics if ya get some....lookin forward to readin some B.S. stories too :D :D :D
Well if it aint the CATMAN!! Talk about not hearin from someone in a while.LOL What ya been up to anyway?How'd your spring season go?
Hey maineiac,
didn't go as well as I had hoped. Didn't get out like I should I did however get up north and hunt with Flyin_K. That was fun. We never treed anything, but my dogs sure had sore feet when I got home he he. FK is a good fellar......he showed me more bears in a few short days than I can see all season here. They just happened to be lean mean runnin machines :D :D Rigged bear everyday....was real fun, but next time he wants to start out with a 500 lber I'm sayin no way.....not really ;) It was fun though....I'd really like to hunt with you three some or there.....take care
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