
Gas price breaking point

I'm wondering how long until Newt calls for Nationalizing the petroleum industry.

about the same amount of time it took the liberals to blame President Bush for the high prices...........and that are giving the current guy a break.
Fin, this is the earliest that prices have started to soar.Usually, they wait till spring with everyone wanted to get out and about after winter.I agree, its the best money you will spend though
I don't watch liberal news,but the one I watch certainly isn't giving him a break;nor should they.If it was Bush ,or any republican,there would be an uproar in CNN and MSNBC.I'll pay the high prices if it gets Obama out of office.certainly won't think of cancelling any hunting trips
Regardless, the increase in gas cost relative to the entire cost of the trip is not much. And, when compared to the pile of fun you will have, it is the best money you will spend.

As some have said, just go hunt and enjoy yourself.
That's my view! I won't be doing any long distance hunts this year, but plan on LOTS of shorter hunts. The price of gas won't affect whether I go or not. I might affect whether I eat ramen or mac N cheese! :D
I just need to find enough gas money to get to Fin's house. Then I hop in the camper shell and I have a free ride.......Nevermind I'll just ride my bike over. :D
Biggest reason for prices going up is the short supply of sweet crude, the oil which so many refineries are set up to handle. As a result the US refining capacity has dropped 5% with the shut down of refineries. Couple that with sweet being about $110.00 per barrel and the companies playing the shortage card and you have price escalation.

Never think that I'm defending him, for I want a Presidential retread in the worst way, but the President has little if anything to do with it; it's simple price manipulation and supply/demand factors. The OPEC nations hold the rest of the world for ransom while their citizens drive for pennies a gallon (Venezuela's subsidized fuel is 6 cents per gallon), and western European nations tax their citizens into near bankruptcy over the price of fuel (Scandinavian countries at 10 bucks a gallon, Britain and France over eight per), and I'd venture that those who invest in oil stocks always enjoy a nice dividend.
Well here in the Bay area of northern cali we are paying adround $4.30 a gallon.Prices jumped about .30 cents this week mostly due to a fire in a refinery in Washington that practically shut the place down.
Work a couple hours of OT or sell some junk laying around the house to pay for the difference. Or better yet make your old lady get a second job.

Lazy is the man that can't find his wife two jobs

....a truly dedicated hinter can also rationalize cancelling the annual family vacation. (from the dinkshooter/wyodh handbook)
I will eliminate some fishing/bird hunting but I've been working for years to get my big game tags, I'll go try to fill them. If unsuccessful the first week I might not be able to make it back for a second crack later in the season.
I'm wondering how long until Newt calls for Nationalizing the petroleum industry.

You're losing credibility with every post. At one point, I thought you were a non-partisan wildlife advocate. Trying to politicize every topic on hunttalk and starting your own posts for the purpose of endorsing candidates (MT AG thread) makes me wonder if you're just here to campaign for the Democrat party all the time.
Really not as big of deal as most people think when it comes to making one trip to the mountains. If I go from central CA to the middle of CO and back at 3.25 per gallon vs 4.25 per gallon it is only $128 difference. Stop less at fast food joints on the way out and pack your own food for the car ride and you will save that.
I can see my elk honey hole from my house. If needed, I'll pedal my bicycle. (insert Queen's "bicycle, bicycle")

I hope to be driving long distances to a few western states if the draws work out. Gas prices be damned.
I just need to find enough gas money to get to Fin's house. Then I hop in the camper shell and I have a free ride.......Nevermind I'll just ride my bike over. :D

Haaaaaa, that's it...

It's not gas that's going to go up...everything else will also! That said, I'm still hunting!
I wish gas prices would have gone up before the Wyoming elk draw. It would have taken out some of the fair weather hunters
You're losing credibility with every post. At one point, I thought you were a non-partisan wildlife advocate. Trying to politicize every topic on hunttalk and starting your own posts for the purpose of endorsing candidates (MT AG thread) makes me wonder if you're just here to campaign for the Democrat party all the time.

It was a joke.

Happy to give my list of R's that I think would be great and were a big asset last Legislative cycle.
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