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game bags vs pillow cases

The game bags I use are well constructed and designed to breathe (and cool better) than any pillow case that I own. And, I know that they are just as strong or stronger. TAG bags are a bit expensive but, they are designed for the specific purpose of packing out and taking care of game meat. Game bags are like bullets,and are such a small part of the cost of my hunt and I don't care to scrimp on costs to be possibly disappointed.
FYI, I used the stretchy roll-out style game bags this year (just like the last 15) but in an area with a lot of cattle and flies, I was very surprised and disappointed to find fly larva in all the places blood moistened the bags. I've never had this problem before but I'm looking into getting thicker bags or a different material. Luckily we caught it before they hatched.
What's crazy is I literally have no spare pillow cases in my home. Never have. How do you guys find yourself in a position where you have a surplus of pillow cases? I have a surplus of game bags, but not pillow cases. I feel like such a loser that my linen closet is so empty.

Also, the last two seasons, I have just left the hide on the quarters. It works really well, and its faster quartering the animal.
I have used the same game bags for years. For cleaning , I soak them in a pail with bleach for a day. Then rinse well and run them through the clothes washer.
What's crazy is I literally have no spare pillow cases in my home. Never have. How do you guys find yourself in a position where you have a surplus of pillow cases? I have a surplus of game bags, but not pillow cases. I feel like such a loser that my linen closet is so empty.

Also, the last two seasons, I have just left the hide on the quarters. It works really well, and its faster quartering the animal.
Just go to a 2nd hand store. Salvation army type of place
What's crazy is I literally have no spare pillow cases in my home. Never have. How do you guys find yourself in a position where you have a surplus of pillow cases? I have a surplus of game bags, but not pillow cases. I feel like such a loser that my linen closet is so empty.

Also, the last two seasons, I have just left the hide on the quarters. It works really well, and its faster quartering the animal.
You must not be married.
I have some caribou bags, but they’re basically just synthetic pillow cases with a draw string and the price is ridiculous. They all get ripped eventually. You can buy $5 synthetic plain white pillow cases in a variety of sizes from Walmart that are made of the exact same material, just without the reflective tags and drawstring. That’s what I’ll be using again in the future.
A few years back other half got a cow elk. He came out with one load then we went back for another load. We had the old sock style game bags. The hike out was total misery. The meat went any and all directions in my pack.
We up graded after that to the KUIU meat only zip bags. Total game changer. Meat is in a tight bundle and doesn't move. Also upgraded packs and that has totally changed the meat hauling game.
I would never ever use pillow cases to pack out meat.
Now when we get home we put the meat in the cotton sock style meat bags. The KUIU bags are instantly put in a bucket of hot water with Oxi-clean in it and let soak for a hour or so. Then I put them in the washer in hot water with Oxi-clean and laundry soap that has Oxi-clean in it. Bags come out totally cleaned and ready to go back into the packs.
Now when we get home we put the meat in the cotton sock style meat bags. The KUIU bags are instantly put in a bucket of hot water with Oxi-clean in it and let soak for a hour or so. Then I put them in the washer in hot water with Oxi-clean and laundry soap that has Oxi-clean in it. Bags come out totally cleaned and ready to go back into the packs.
Hot or cold water? I've always been told hot water will set blood stains where cold won't? Never tried using hot because of this.
What is the advantage of ridiculously high priced game bags over cheap pillow cases?
I'll probably get some flak for my response here, but it's not going to change my mind. For game bags, I put my meat in garbage bags. If I was hunting in warm weather I wouldn't, but when it's cold and especially when there's snow on the ground, I use them. Here's why. Garbage bags take up very little room in my day pack and are very lightweight. Then, If I shot an Elk and could hang the meat while I go get my pack animals, I'd do that. Sometimes, the snow may be clean enough to lay meat on it, but then it takes very little dirt or debris to get all over your quarters. Finally, I pack my meat out in pretty expensive panniers. I don't want blood stains all over them. The garbage bags prevent that, and the meat is only in the bags for a couple hours and I really don't think the meat will get spoiled or damaged. As soon as I get home, I hang it in the pole barn and I end up with CLEAN meat, rather than stuff with pine needles and dirt on it.

You must not be married.
That was my immediate thought. Extra pillows and cases everywhere.....

Midwestern whitetail hunter here so have never needed to quarter an animal yet but have carried pillow cases just in case I've gotten into a hairy spot. Glad to know experienced people do this without any issue.
That was my immediate thought. Extra pillows and cases everywhere.....

Midwestern whitetail hunter here so have never needed to quarter an animal yet but have carried pillow cases just in case I've gotten into a hairy spot. Glad to know experienced people do this without any issue.
Yeah, extra pillow cases everywhere when married, and if i even think of using them to carry some blood soaked meat, I'm fairly certain my relationship status will quickly change.

Wal mart has pillow cases super cheap, don't use your wife's linens
I’ve used both however I find I’m liking cheap bags from Walmart by Allen for like 13$. Used to be 10$. They are lighter and I like not having to wash them at the end. Then when I go hunting the very next day I have another package available. Washables May not always be available when I used them the day prior to my next hunt. Pillow cases really do work great though for boned meat.

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