Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

FWP Proposes Expanding Wolf Hunting Opportunities in Northwest Montana

Charles, I am in favor of adding length to the seasons and if they want to make the bag limit 50 wolves per person, I'm fine with it. Just curious though, how many wolves have your two hard core hunting friends killed this year? Is it more than five each?

I only know of one local hunter in all of Sanders Co who consistently kills five wolves. He helps his daughter and trapping partner fill their tags as well. The lengths of effort and expense he goes through to accomplish this are way beyond what most people are willing to put out.

Out of the 100 + people at the last meeting in Trout Creek there were probably 30 or so who were quite eager to express their antagonism toward wolves and all predators any time a speaker mentioned "wolf", "bear", or "lion". I bet collectively those guys haven't killed a handful of wolves in their lives. Yet, they are more than happy to continue shooting every raghorn bull that crosses their path.

@#$%@$#$ Predators.

If the people who complain about too few elk and too many wolves keep on killing the remant deer and elk that remain and don't hunt wolves, they are part of their problem.
This and it’s true in every region.

Very few guys fill out, even less fill out constantly every year.

More season may help the average guy, and that’s fine.

Guys will find it no easier finding one wolf with 10 tags in his pockets than it is with 5 tags in his pockets.

Of course the sss crowd will continue shoveling their bar stool wolves.
Charles, I am in favor of adding length to the seasons and if they want to make the bag limit 50 wolves per person, I'm fine with it. Just curious though, how many wolves have your two hard core hunting friends killed this year? Is it more than five each?

I only know of one local hunter in all of Sanders Co who consistently kills five wolves. He helps his daughter and trapping partner fill their tags as well. The lengths of effort and expense he goes through to accomplish this are way beyond what most people are willing to put out.

Out of the 100 + people at the last meeting in Trout Creek there were probably 30 or so who were quite eager to express their antagonism toward wolves and all predators any time a speaker mentioned "wolf", "bear", or "lion". I bet collectively those guys haven't killed a handful of wolves in their lives. Yet, they are more than happy to continue shooting every raghorn bull that crosses their path.

@#$%@$#$ Predators.

If the people who complain about too few elk and too many wolves keep on killing the remant deer and elk that remain and don't hunt wolves, they are part of their problem.

As shared in my first post of this thread (Post #2), in fact with use of the exact same wording as yourself, it's more of a, "feel good" action.
I believe one gent had three from '19? They assist other trap lines with their tags to spread the time frame. I have my tags on a string of their traps though not in the main rotation to check. If time permits, I head out and it's a thrill even if to replace wax paper, etc. More for the part time experience. They voiced support for this for obvious reasons. I shared my opinion in the #2 post. I believe it should be unlimited until / if the quota is met.

My prior post mainly relates to the basis many are not hunting wolves / opportunistic. Their voice is as valid as my voice sharing disappointment in the 410/417 issue. I have not stepped foot in that area though that is how it works for public feedback / comments. I've supported countless issues learned here I've never been directly involved. It does not matter if one hunts wolves or not. Wolves are not an independent factor in our landscape / ecosystem. They affect many R1 hunters in a positive and negative way.

I find it interesting some of the gurus bring up - "People rant about this and that yet don't show to meetings and express their position, do not engage in the public comments" However, if not flowing within your speed of current at a meeting then it's well the, "They don't hunt wolves..." WTF gives?

I get out as often as possible to hunt wolves - it's a waste of $$$. Crap for freezer filler. My time is very limited for hunting animals that provide jack squat. There are too many wolves in my stomping areas I specifically hunted elk of past and present. I get out to meetings, I voice my position on wolves. Not as a shoot, shovel, and shut up, member of the Toby crew rather as a, "Let's get a grip on accurate (as possible) #'s. This assurance we are above minimal ESA requirement is bull when it comes to effective conservation of elk, deer, moose, etc. We need a quality quota that may press on predators if our goal is to assist in one leg of the problem in R1.

Several of us have repeatedly shared a position in support of limited tags and the ludicrous cow tags, etc for elk in R1. I'd sure like to fill my freezer for a change though. Still working at finding new ground after wolves have blown elk out of my "honey holes". Wolves are a direct effect on my table fare. It peeves me off to lose places worked hard to build / learn. Ya, cheese with that wine... whatever. Read prior posts of mine and one will see I support wolves as part of our system. I oppose unknown wolf #'s. I oppose Toby's the same as Jay's.

Anyhow, blah, blah, blah... it's the internet. Cheers. This is not specific to Gerald. It's a general spew of dislike for some lumping many of us into an extreme Toby side simply because we don't have 10 woofs to speak of. :) Woosah. :D Until the next post.
I agree! This would be an effective method. I ran across these yesterday morning along Browns Meadow Road about 5 miles west of Kila. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t feel safe about turning my hounds loose of a cat track. View attachment 127690
16864493_10208322159788519_6291321648119482185_n.jpgThis pack is incredibly big. same road in this picture, we didn't turn loose on any cat that day, found three lions and a bobcat,
That is unfortunate. It’s ashamed the wolf loving liberal communist have gotten wolves established and growing. I heard from another hunter that his friend last Saturday had 3 of 4 hounds killed and one really chewed up by St. Regis. It will not be long before they begin killing pets/livestock in these surrounding communities. Then idiots will defend the wolves saying that people should have never moved into remote areas. Typical communist fashion. Kill the babies, but save the wolves.
That is unfortunate. It’s ashamed the wolf loving liberal communist have gotten wolves established and growing. I heard from another hunter that his friend last Saturday had 3 of 4 hounds killed and one really chewed up by St. Regis. It will not be long before they begin killing pets/livestock in these surrounding communities. Then idiots will defend the wolves saying that people should have never moved into remote areas. Typical communist fashion. Kill the babies, but save the wolves.

This is why we can't have nice things.