
Future of Hunting in a CWD World


Active member
Dec 15, 2020
do you think in 40 years, there won't be a region in the west with a documented presence of CWD? seems inevitable it will continue to spread throughout. I remember on the meateater podcast, the CWD expert said that in a lot of animals, they die of natural causes (old age, winter die-off, starvation, predation) as well as hunters and cars before they even start to deteriorate from CWD. which makes it even more important that hunters be careful handling game because many of their animals could look completely fine but have infected brain and spinal fluid
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I expect it’ll be more like 20 years, with a few random holdouts (Coues deer in isolated ranges, Vancouver Island, etc).
I think right now it’s like Jan / Feb 2020 with COVID. Rapidly spreading undetected because many places aren’t testing intensively for it.

Eventually I think complimentary experiences like fishing license sales will skyrocket and antelope will become waaaay harder to draw (which of course will happen anyway). It will become widespread and substantially lower cervid numbers. That’s my guess.
I came across an (almost certainly) CWD doe here in WI this summer. It was eerie how zombie-like it was. I could have easily touched it. Should dig up that footage...

I also presume it will have only a minor voluntary reduction in hunter numbers (the I don’t want to eat it factor). Rapid testing will likely provide quick turnaround so people can immediately dispose of it and get a new tag. I think the reduction will be to hunter opportunity.

That said, we can only slow it down. So I say do your part to slow it but then don’t worry and learn to love the bomb

I asked this in another CWD thread a couple weeks ago, receiving no responses.

It is one future if CWD remains suspected not to infect humans.

But what if the real bomb drops?

What are the ramifications ( the future of hunting) if CWD is proven to be transmittable and to be lethal to Humans?

What will the States and Federal government do then, does the CDC have a plan?

What will happen to agriculture if CWD is proven to be transmittable to humans from plant material?

These are the big questions that the public needs to be know the potential answers.

I was at an elk farming convention where the beer banter turned to CWD.
Consensus was that CWD infecting humans would be great for their business.
I asked this in another CWD thread a couple weeks ago, receiving no responses.

It is one future if CWD remains suspected not to infect humans.

But what if the real bomb drops?

What are the ramifications ( the future of hunting) if CWD is proven to be transmittable and to be lethal to Humans?

What will the States and Federal government do then, does the CDC have a plan?

What will happen to agriculture if CWD is proven to be transmittable to humans from plant material?

These are the big questions that the public needs to be know the potential answers.

I was at an elk farming convention where the beer banter turned to CWD.
Consensus was that CWD infecting humans would be great for their business.
We’re they drinking a lot? This article says it was found in a game farm. What makes them think they can keep it out of theirs?
Edumacate yo’ selves!

summary: bovine to humans = cervid to humans, the human barrier with deer is no less than with cattle. We, as a species, would’ve gotten by now. The human resistance to this is unexplained.
Edumacate yo’ selves!

summary: bovine to humans = cervid to humans, the human barrier with deer is no less than with cattle. We, as a species, would’ve gotten by now. The human resistance to this is unexplained.

I guess I read the abstract differently.

Basically says we accept that humans likely got CJD by eating BSE+ beef.

The phylogenetic distance from cattle to humans is similar to that from deer to humans

So either phylogeny doesn’t explain susceptibility, or humans are probably eventually gonna get it (because we already got CJD from cows)

Certainly lots of unknowns, which is why I think there could be some fascinating research about why pronghorn seem unaffected.
I guess I read the abstract differently.
Abstract doesn’t elaborate enough. If you’re unfamiliar with pubmed, simply click the free text tab and that will allow access to the full paper.

You’re certainly entitled to your opinion/interpretation. Sadly, peer-reviewed resources are rare. Clearly not a common practice.
I see cwd as a much greater threat to hunting than anti hunters ever will be. If it gets to the point where every critter is likely infected then I'll simply stop hunting and fish more.
We’re they drinking a lot? This article says it was found in a game farm. What makes them think they can keep it out of theirs?

Of course they were drinking.
This makes for loose lips.

If CWD is proven to be transmittable to humans....

Wildlife that carry the disease is no longer a viable foodsource.
Millions of pounds of wild game would no longer feed people.
This will immediately cause a dramatic increase in market share for meat producers.

Government agencies will be under pressure to eliminate all wildlife that carry the disease.
This will increase demand for domesticated deer/elk that are from proven CWD free herds.

The game farm industry is well aware of how to benefit from CWD.

Worst case scenario, if CWD is infectious and lethal to humans, and can be transmitted to humans through plants....


ALL cropland/grazingland with CWD positive soils will be designated an extreme biological hazard.
All crops from these lands will not be fit for human consumption.
The entirety of agricultural production will be less than worthless, it will be a liability.
No country will import it.
This would create the worst economic collapse the US has ever experienced, by magnitudes.

The Feds will likely move forward with complete extirpation of potential CWD carrying wildlife.
ALL wild deer, elk, and moose will be wiped out.

Game farms will be the only source of deer and elk.

IF CWD becomes infectious and lethal to humans, the world as we know it will change such that Covid will seem like a day at Disneyland.

To top it off, international hedgefund managers have been attending Prion conferences to keep updated, to learn how to speculate in advance of CWD infecting people....

I wish I conjured bad dream this up myself.
This information comes from a fellow that has dedicated his career for the last 30 years to consulting governments and various agencies on CWD.
Of course they were drinking.
This makes for loose lips.

If CWD is proven to be transmittable to humans....

Wildlife that carry the disease is no longer a viable foodsource.
Millions of pounds of wild game would no longer feed people.
This will immediately cause a dramatic increase in market share for meat producers.

Government agencies will be under pressure to eliminate all wildlife that carry the disease.
This will increase demand for domesticated deer/elk that are from proven CWD free herds.

The game farm industry is well aware of how to benefit from CWD.

Worst case scenario, if CWD is infectious and lethal to humans, and can be transmitted to humans through plants....


ALL cropland/grazingland with CWD positive soils will be designated an extreme biological hazard.
All crops from these lands will not be fit for human consumption.
The entirety of agricultural production will be less than worthless, it will be a liability.
No country will import it.
This would create the worst economic collapse the US has ever experienced, by magnitudes.

The Feds will likely move forward with complete extirpation of potential CWD carrying wildlife.
ALL wild deer, elk, and moose will be wiped out.

Game farms will be the only source of deer and elk.

IF CWD becomes infectious and lethal to humans, the world as we know it will change such that Covid will seem like a day at Disneyland.

To top it off, international hedgefund managers have been attending Prion conferences to keep updated, to learn how to speculate in advance of CWD infecting people....

I wish I conjured bad dream this up myself.
This information comes from a fellow that has dedicated his career for the last 30 years to consulting governments and various agencies on CWD.

unfortunately your right. Pray that humans never contract CWD. Also I will keep eating untested animals until their is a proven case of transmission between animals and deer. I will also never stop hunting. I will eat bears and cougars if ungulates become a problem.
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