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The Future of Western Hunting and its Greatest Threat!

They said to just cut the tonsils out, put 'em in a baggie, and send 'em to some scientists at the college..............

Which is how some scientist ends up with baggies full of fat globs, random chunks of meat, and salivary gland, asking herself “wtf am I supposed to do with these?” 😂 #truestory
I think Western should be removed from the post. Its just about everywhere and its becoming almost like politics as to what you believe as we really don't have all the answers on CWD yet. Lots of guessing going on.
"............its becoming almost like politics as to what you believe................"

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I think Western should be removed from the post. Its just about everywhere and its becoming almost like politics as to what you believe as we really don't have all the answers on CWD yet. Lots of guessing going on.

Science = educated guessing to predict what will happen based on data and replication of results. Ability to adapt course based on predictions and new information.

History = absolute certainty about what happened, with zero ability to change the outcome.

In my experience, people fundamentally don’t understand how science works. It has a pretty good track record, as demonstrated by our ability to tailor cancer treatments to your specific genetic profile, make a phone call from Antarctica, and carry around computers in our pockets so we can debate the merits of science on the Internet.
Maybe scientists could segregate sick deer and elk from the general population, thus preventing an ungulate holocaust, and historians - claiming the tactic worked - could be doubted by red hat wearing web surfers.
All depends on whachya' believe.:unsure:
luv the web.................
A gorilla in the room, as it pertains to science......

There are times when we scientists are our own worst enemy.
An example, which is often discussed on this very forum:
MT's state fish and wildlife agency "science" has become suspect in many cases and instances (I can no way express how much this pains me to say, hit's real deep.....).
These type of things do no favors to the general public's views of science and it's validity. Nor the scientists' credibility......

Ok, put the gorilla back in it's cage, and carry on.......................................
someone on this board is fixing to blame the cause on Global Warming or climate change I hear it coming
I have listened to Big Fin's podcasts about CWD and I wish I could do something about it. Is there anything out there us hunters can do? I know about not transporting the carcass/spine/brain matter. Are we just slowing the bleeding with the current policies? Is RMEF, MDF, or Muley Fanatic Foundation addressing this along with other issues they tackle? Would like to help. Is it an issue to bring up with local government? I love bothering those guys. I'll keep searching for ways to help. I agree it needs more attention paid to it. Thanks guys.
Nothing for you to do until a vaccine is developed. CWD is scattered all over the country. It’s in Scandinavia and North Africa.