Funny Hunter Quotes/Lingo

Mr. Freak Nasty or Ol' Freak Nasty

Yes! When said by Stan Potts in a long drawn out hissy sort of way.

Though it started with the video game NBA Jam, but Boom-shaka-laka.

Send it.

Take him.
Mike Eastman is a walking thesaurus of destroyed grammar. In addition to Grradualtions", he also refers to cliffs as "clivs", and quaking aspen as "Quakers". I did not realize there were so many members of the religious society of Quakers running around in the mountains until I watched Mike's videos.

I saw an episode where he referred to a "claw-crabbed" mule deer buck.

His shows are entertaining. But not because they provide any useful information.
Although not said verbally (but do make a statement): I could without all the excessive fist pumping and "white man can't dance" celebrations. I mean it's okay to be excited, but these over contrived acts of excitement are as fake as they are stupid. To be honest I quit watching hunting shows for the most part 4 or 5 years ago. I just couldn't stand how dumb most of them are. I do like Randy's show, but the quality of other shows falls off pretty quick from there.
Although not said verbally (but do make a statement): I could without all the excessive fist pumping and "white man can't dance" celebrations. I mean it's okay to be excited, but these over contrived acts of excitement are as fake as they are stupid. To be honest I quit watching hunting shows for the most part 4 or 5 years ago. I just couldn't stand how dumb most of them are. I do like Randy's show, but the quality of other shows falls off pretty quick from there.

Hmm... Fin, maybe you should re-think including Ross and Gerald's synchronized rendition of Funky Cold Medina when the goat hit's the dirt.
Pat, I believe that's another Mike-ism. He uses the term trash all the time in his evaluations of bucks. One time a close friend of mine showed Mike a photo of the biggest mule deer buck he ever killed. Mike looks at it and says; "I probably wouldn't shoot that buck because of all the trash points." The buck scored 232" net and was the last buck to win a Jeep in Utah before they ban deer contests. I've seen Mike have a complete melt down on video trying to killed a 170" buck, Yeah sure he would've passed up a 232" buck because of all the "trash" points. I wonder if he ever listens to what he says?
Pat, I believe that's another Mike-ism. He uses the term trash all the time in his evaluations of bucks. One time a close friend of mine showed Mike a photo of the biggest mule deer buck he ever killed. Mike looks at it and says; "I probably wouldn't shoot that buck because of all the trash points." The buck scored 232" net and was the last buck to win a Jeep in Utah before they ban deer contests. I've seen Mike have a complete melt down on video trying to killed a 170" buck, Yeah sure he would've passed up a 232" buck because of all the "trash" points. I wonder if he ever listens to what he says?

I remember in one of the Eastman videos Mike talked about a "Trash Factor" Deer. One with a Frame that would Score into the B&C Books, but had enough extra points that it wouldn't net Book; but didn't have enough extras to make the book as a Non-Typical. Seems like a pretty degrading title for a BIG Mule Deer. I don't really care if extra points keep a deer out of the books... That's still a big stonking Deer, and should be respected as such.

Though, with everything in the thread so far... I think Eastman probably has committed enough id10t errors to warrant being branded as such...
"Management buck" I understand that one might have a management plan for their land but don't say it in a way to justify the "small" size of the buck. Just be happy to harvest an animal.

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