Funny Hunter Quotes/Lingo

"Dumping Heat". Actually, this one makes a lot of sense and doesn't bother me. When you are chasing a critter up a mountain and have too much on, there isn't a better term for what you are trying to do!
Met a bunch of hunters at the airport in Whitehorse, who were clearly going with outfitters. I asked this one dude what he was hunting and he replied something along the lines of "I'm not here to hunt, I'm here to kill a moose and I better get one".

I was kind of annoyed with his answer and tone. He sounded like a douche and entitled as f&ck, but then I figured he was completely right. This guy was paying tens of thousands of dollars to be babysat by a guide and outfitter, and essentially shoot a moose that was scouted by someone else.

Still annoyed with his stupid answer though.