PEAX Equipment

? for non-Texans.

I have no opinion on the subject, As long as I can hunt I don't care one way or the other. Cali I don't know about down south but up here it's Wilderness Unlimited which is buying up all the logging leases and turning great areas to hunt into membership only hunting.
Another thing to add, these same issues that most of yall speak of (high fences, canned hunts, high priced and lazy hunting) are things that bother me too. But I am here to tell you that not all of Texas is that way and it’s a shame we are stereotyped that way. One thing that doesn’t help is the number of out of state hunters that come to Texas for these very things! Of the canned and high fenced/priced hunts, a ton of them go to out of staters.

As far as Clemens goes, if you are a Yankees fan, give me a break. Let’s not get into the way the Yankees do things. If you are just a baseball fan, I can see where you are coming from. It was shady that he retired then un-retired so quick. Was it planned? I don’t know? I hope not, but I really don’t care. The day I start letting the things players do that I don’t think is right, get in the way of my enjoyment for the game, is the day I stop being a baseball fan. And that is not going to happen. Roger Clemens is coming home to pitch. I like it, and welcome it.

As to the state pride, what can I say but:

We have a ton of pride, and I am proud of that.
as a Texan, not supposed to be here, but,............. I dont think that most people understand the diversity of the state. We have desert and sand dunes in the west, plains and canyons in the north, piney woods in the east, mountains in the south west, and rolling hills with huge oaks, mesquite, and cedar in the central and south, and coastal plains in the southeast. Only a TINY portion of the land is high fenced and that is mostly in the south central and much of that is large ranches covering many thousands of acres. Got to face it like it or not, Texas is big. We have a wide diversity of game animals that are totally freeranging including whitetail deer, desert mule deer, pronghorn antelope, mountain lion,a few bear in the east,turkeys, wild hogs, sheep, and yes even elk in the north and southwest. We have a huge varmit population including coyote, bobcat, red fox, kit fox, grey fox, coons, skunks, civit cats, ring tail cats, and prairie dogs. Throw in all the varities of exotics behind high fence and those not in high fence and we have great hunting under all kinds of conditions and types of country. Take away the big cities and much of the country is sparsely populated. Where I live there are less than 3000 people in the whole county, go west and there are a lot less than that. Our winters here are mild but we get lots of snow and ice in the north. Can you tell, I am on the Chamber of Commerce Board here. hehehehehe Ol Bob
Don't get me wrong, I'd hunt Texas any day, any way offered. I spent almost a year at Sheppard AFB wishing I had the time to take advantage of it. I would of settled for a bowhunt for some of them long earred small kangaroos on post!!

I'm not sure how anyone can believe anything that man spews out of his crooked mouth. If he wanted to play in Texas before retiring, be HONEST and say so! You'll find more loyalty, and HONESTY on any street corner, fish-netted, painted lady!!

chas031, I never said he was honest (and I never said he wasn't). But my point is most baseball players (professional athletes) are lacking in the ethics/morals colum. So I don't split hairs as much as I would like b/c there wouldn't be many guys to root for when I was done. I will also say this, Clemens is a competitor and when it is nut cutting time I want him on my team. He isn't a perfect citizen, but the man a pitch.

Oh, and well said BbarC! There are some black bears in the SW and W too
I don't knock any one for their types and styles of hunting, there are no two on this forum that will hunt or fish just the same as the next. I for one could say that there is a very small percentage that would even attempt to hunt in the fashion as I do, quite a few have even called it nuts...well thats just how it goes and I wouldn't worry about what any one said about the way any one else hunts as long as it is done in a "Leagle" and ethical manor!!!
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