First hand Covid symptoms

Attended a wedding in Hawaii Jan 2020. That is when I felt a little "under". Before that vacationing in Mexico 2019. After the wedding, spent a few days in Las Vegas, with a cold/flu. Back in Alaska, I stayed home for three weeks, being knocked off my game, heavy into soup, teas, vitamins. Resting. In my life, I never felt anything like that before. I experienced this before it was news.
Were you tested? The reason I ask is something kicked my ass for three weeks back in January. Our five boys got the same thing to varying degrees. Wife didn't get it, and she was caring for the rest of us. This was before Covid was "news", so no chance to test.
Were you tested? The reason I ask is something kicked my ass for three weeks back in January. Our five boys got the same thing to varying degrees. Wife didn't get it, and she was caring for the rest of us. This was before Covid was "news", so no chance to test.
Last years flu strain was an ass kicker. My wife had that in November of 2019 while I was away in Montana. We thought she may have had it then, but an antibody test confirmed that it was not Covid19. Asking around, several people in our circle seemed to have experienced the same thing. The logical explanation is influenza B.
@Big Fin

I have to know, why on earth nobody on your plane asked the flight attendant how they let a clearly really sick individual through TSA and onto your plane. I havent flown recently but I assumed if you appear to be sick they wouldnt let you even inside the airport let alone the plane...
@Big Fin

I have to know, why on earth nobody on your plane asked the flight attendant how they let a clearly really sick individual through TSA and onto your plane. I havent flown recently but I assumed if you appear to be sick they wouldnt let you even inside the airport let alone the plane...
That's all a marketing pitch, from my experience. Nobody was being temp tested or examined. Merely a placard that said you couldn't board if you had any symptoms. No enforcement or checking that I saw. The flight attendant explained (to the frantic young lady seated in front of the lunger) that if the person is allowed on the plane, that is a a decision made at the check-in desk, not by flight attendants.
That's all a marketing pitch, from my experience. Nobody was being temp tested or examined. Merely a placard that said you couldn't board if you had any symptoms. No enforcement or checking that I saw. The flight attendant explained (to the frantic young lady seated in front of the lunger) that if the person is allowed on the plane, that is a a decision made at the check-in desk, not by flight attendants.
I wonder what I letter from an attorney and a cell phone video would get you?
That's all a marketing pitch, from my experience. Nobody was being temp tested or examined. Merely a placard that said you couldn't board if you had any symptoms. No enforcement or checking that I saw. The flight attendant explained (to the frantic young lady seated in front of the lunger) that if the person is allowed on the plane, that is a a decision made at the check-in desk, not by flight attendants.
On my flight from Phoenix to Seattle in November they put the passengers on another flight in with ours and packed out.
I took my phone out of airplane mode when we got to Seattle and there was a "Passenger Health Alert" email from Alaska Air telling me that my flight (which was now over)
had had distancing guidelines waived. They said if I had an issue with the flight being overbooked, I should go immediately to the customer service desk before boarding.

Only a marketing major would even think of telling passengers that the air filtration is so good on their aircraft that you are in no danger from the phlemcaster beside you.
Graduates of the Joseph Goebbels School of Marketing.
Today I picked up a bunch of wine from a winery I'm in a club with. Outside they had a huge walled tent that was presumably used for "outdoor" wine tasting (before things got shut down again earlier this month). :ROFLMAO:

If indoor events are banned, I don't get how that could even be allowed. The point is to prevent close quarter contact in an environment that has little to now airflow. A large tent is effectively "inside"...
On my flight from Phoenix to Seattle in November they put the passengers on another flight in with ours and packed out.
I took my phone out of airplane mode when we got to Seattle and there was a "Passenger Health Alert" email from Alaska Air telling me that my flight (which was now over)
had had distancing guidelines waived. They said if I had an issue with the flight being overbooked, I should go immediately to the customer service desk before boarding.

Only a marketing major would even think of telling passengers that the air filtration is so good on their aircraft that you are in no danger from the phlemcaster beside you.
Graduates of the Joseph Goebbels School of Marketing.
Don’t fly if you’re that worried about it
What a crazy virus. For those who think it's fake I feel sorry for you. I now know a couple that are tough dudes who it has crushed. With that said I also know the vast majority don't get it this bad. I also can't figure out why some get it and some don't if it's so highly contagious?? I do know that it's bad news for the elderly. They struggle to kick it. My wife and son got it with minimal side effects. My youngest and myself nothing. I didn't isolate from her and even kissed her and still nothing 🤷‍♂️ I've had body aches and sinus headaches that made me believe I surely had it but I'm 3 tests in now and even took the antibody blood test that came up negative. So weird. I even helped Randy move a caribou head upstairs 2 days before he tested positive or felt anything. I hope nobody on this page falls into the 2% or whatever it is and I hope we can get back to normal sooner than later. It's getting old for sure.
What a crazy virus. For those who think it's fake I feel sorry for you. I now know a couple that are tough dudes who it has crushed. With that said I also know the vast majority don't get it this bad. I also can't figure out why some get it and some don't if it's so highly contagious?? I do know that it's bad news for the elderly. They struggle to kick it. My wife and son got it with minimal side effects. My youngest and myself nothing. I didn't isolate from her and even kissed her and still nothing 🤷‍♂️ I've had body aches and sinus headaches that made me believe I surely had it but I'm 3 tests in now and even took the antibody blood test that came up negative. So weird. I even helped Randy move a caribou head upstairs 2 days before he tested positive or felt anything. I hope nobody on this page falls into the 2% or whatever it is and I hope we can get back to normal sooner than later. It's getting old for sure.
I read something awhile back where it said certain blood types were less susceptible to getting it than others. Types O and B were less prone to getting it, with A and AB being more prone. It sort of made sense to me because my daughter and I are in the lower risk groups and neither of us has gotten it. I’ve been majorly cautious due to high risk factors, but she’s in college and much more carefree. She’s had roommates and other she’s in close contact with get it, but she’s been tested at least 6 times and negative every time. She got tested again yesterday because she’s coming to visit me this weekend, but won’t get results until tomorrow. IIRC, the study was with a limited sample size, so it wasn’t definitive.
I've been asked at united checkin for luggage. On the plane they just make you wear a mask
I was exposed to it 6 weeks ago on a business trip and I tested positive. A second test was inconclusive and a 3rd test was negative. I felt a scratchy throat and breathing hurt a little. I quarantined for 14 days. Just yesterday I got my antibody test back. It was positive. I definitely had it. I was lucky—-my symptoms were mild. I have other buddies that got it really bad. There is a real virus out there. The testing is very inaccurate. The numbers are greatly exaggerated but the virus is there.
That's all a marketing pitch, from my experience. Nobody was being temp tested or examined. Merely a placard that said you couldn't board if you had any symptoms. No enforcement or checking that I saw. The flight attendant explained (to the frantic young lady seated in front of the lunger) that if the person is allowed on the plane, that is a a decision made at the check-in desk, not by flight attendants.

Man that's garbage!! How many contagious people have flown I wonder? In the meantime my low-risk-group kids face gestapo-level temperature checking, mask inspection, and verbal questions before they enter school. Go ahead and pack people onto a plane like livestock and play virus-roulette though... :mad:
Me—lost sense of smell for three days. No other symptoms.

Wife— lost sense of smell for five days, coughed twice, minor fatigue.

Brother— extreme fatigue for over a week.

Dad— Fever, headache, cough, fatigue for 2-3 days. Was prescribed HCQ, Z-Pack, and Prednisone. Within 48hrs he said he never felt better in his life.

Mom- Fever for 11days, x-ray verifies pneumonia, cough, lost sense of smell and taste for two weeks. Was prescribed Ivermectin, Z-Pac, a different oral steroid similar to prednisone, and told to take zinc. Within 24hrs was fever free, and was back at work on day 15.

Uncle-lost sense of smell for almost a month. Had fatigue for about a week.

Aunt-tested positive for antibodies. Never had a symptom.

Wife’s grandparents—fever, aches, fatigue, cough, proscribed a few things we never heard of. Took about a month to get well.

Best friend— lost sense of smell for about a week. No other symptoms.
My 12 year old daughter drug it home from school at thanksgiving. Luckily we didnt go anywhere then to spread it. I did end up spreading it to my dad during farm work before I knew I had it. He spread it to my mom and uncle.

She had a fever for an hour and was feeling a lot better the next day. I had chills for a couple days and body aches and really tired but no fever. Also lost sense of taste for a week after most other symptoms were gone. My wife had same as me. 2 year old was tired for a day. 3 year old had no symptoms.

mom and dad are still having a few issues but we all came out pretty lucky and now can go out and about immune for a while at least.
I wish they did antibody tests here, I'm pretty sure the family all got it back in March after I went on a work trip.
I got my second shot of the Pfizer vaccine and would recommend everyone get it when the time comes. I will say though, the booster made me feel somewhat crummy- fatigue and aches which I never felt before with my annual flu vaccine. It is nice to know that I’m pretty much out of the woods now in regard to Covid, knock on wood.
Covid ruined pretty much my entire Midwest deer hunting season. Was bow hunting in central Illinois with a buddy. We rented a cabin and were hunting public land. I am 61 years old. This is what the virus did to me: I contracted the virus ~Nov. 3rd likely at a rural Illinois diner which was not following and health protocol. Major symptoms began Nov. 7th - Small fever, dry cough, severe fatigue, low o2 levels, severe nausea, wish I had loss of taste but instead all food tasted severely rancid. I could not eat anything, and lost 18 pounds in ten days. Tested positive on Nov. 9th. Set up quarantine tent next to cabin and stayed in there for ten days all of peak rut. I could not walk 20 feet without sitting down to breathe. Went to hospital emergency room Nov. 17th when o2 level dropped 8 points overnight and I got delirious. Was borderline being admitted. Doctor pumped full of o2 and advised me to drive home ASAP so I could be in a hometown hospital if it became necessary.

Next day I packed up my tent and loaded gear in my truck. This typically one hour task took me 7 hours. I loaded two items then had to sit in lawn chair 15 minutes. Drove two hours stopped at hotel and slept until noon the next day. Drove two more hours and got home. When my symptoms faded I broke out with a nasty nasty chicken pox type rash on my torso which migrated up to my neck. I had this bonus rash from Nov. 19-Dec. 7th. Fatigue and light breathing lingered until about Jan. 1st. My buddy ended up testing positive but had no symptoms at all. This was a really horrible experience with very different symptoms from your typical flu.

On a side note, my wife is Chinese and we have a condo in Sichuan, which borders Hubei Province where Wuhan is located. We spent all of last February there before our return flight Febr. 29th. That was the last day before international travel restrictions geared way down. All the major cities like Chengdu & Mianyang were already locked down all of February. It was a wasted visit. We could not go anywhere. But we did not get sick.
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