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First hand Covid symptoms

Glad to hear your improving!! If I may ask what type of treatment did they offer?
Nothing too drastic, but very helpful - Albuterol inhaler so I could get some deep breaths to increase my oxygen count, codeine cough syrup so I could finally get some sleep, and some liver meds to try help my liver catch up. Slept for the better part of three days (on my stomach or on my side)
Nothing too drastic, but very helpful - Albuterol inhaler so I could get some deep breaths to increase my oxygen count, codeine cough syrup so I could finally get some sleep, and some liver meds to try help my liver catch up. Slept for the better part of three days (on my stomach or on my side)
Thanks for the reply. Glad it's working. Merry Christmas !!!!!!!
Nothing too drastic, but very helpful - Albuterol inhaler so I could get some deep breaths to increase my oxygen count, codeine cough syrup so I could finally get some sleep, and some liver meds to try help my liver catch up. Slept for the better part of three days (on my stomach or on my side)
Sounds pretty scary. Glad you're improving.
Choc dogs, they always know when someone is feeling poorly. Hope you have a speedy recovery. That nurse should certainly lift your spirits.
LOL what would you do without them furry four legged critters. I got two small pugs and a chocolate cocker spaniel. I get all three on top of me or cuddled up next to me when I am in bed not feeling well. If I am coughing the cocker spaniel curls up against my chest and keeps me warm. When the cat we used to have was around, she would join them. They would not give the wife or I much time alone to sulk in our misery LOL. And two of the dogs are actually mommy girls.
Debating as to whether I need to get tested or not. I had a very mild sore throat yesterday morning, a slight cough. I haven't had a fever, just general malaise. No aches or anything. We stayed home from the wife's parents last night just to be safe and are skipping my parents today. Today, the cough is a little worse with lots of junk, which from what I have read is not typical of Covid. It feels just like my normal every year head cold type of thing. Covid has us all jumpy though.
Debating as to whether I need to get tested or not. I had a very mild sore throat yesterday morning, a slight cough. I haven't had a fever, just general malaise. No aches or anything. We stayed home from the wife's parents last night just to be safe and are skipping my parents today. Today, the cough is a little worse with lots of junk, which from what I have read is not typical of Covid. It feels just like my normal every year head cold type of thing. Covid has us all jumpy though.
Call yer doctor for advice. Mine told me if I can taste what I eat or drink and can smell stinky odors, not COVID. Don't hesitate if you even suspect COVID because things can go south in a heartbeat. Your doctor would go through your symptoms and that with you and advice you on testing or no testing.
EDIT: Going to edit my comment a bit...what my doc said about taste and smell is tongue and cheek. You have to consider all symptoms. Some people are completely asymptomatic. When in doubt consult a medical professional immediately because COVID can strike quickly and move fast. People have died just days after symptoms first appeared.
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Call yer doctor for advice. Mine told me if I can taste what I eat or drink and can smell stinky odors, not COVID. Don't hesitate if you even suspect COVID because things can go south in a heartbeat. Your doctor would go through your symptoms and that with you and advice you on testing or no testing.
Not everyone loses their sense of smell. Most of the cases I've seen, sense of smell and taste were intact.
Everyone I know including me has lost taste and smell with it. That being said if I had any doubt I would get tested to know for sure. Good luck @dcopas78 hope it’s just a cold.
My wife and I had it, staggered between Thanksgiving and Christmas. My wife had a low grade fever for a couple days and a slight cough with some head congestion and the loss of smell. My only symptoms were some head congestion and an extended sore throat, swollen and inflamed tonsils. I also lost the sense of smell on the 16th and it has yet to return. My wife's sense of smell returned after 3 days but I've heard second hand of someone who's going on 10 months without it returning. Eating has been a joyless activity since, only being able to taste from the tongue, salt/sweet/bitter/sour.

In my research, I had found a Harvard medical study insisting that the virus has only been found to attack the support cells of the olfactory and not the neurons themselves, suggesting that the loss of sense of smell shouldn't be permanent. Good news I suppose.

Link to the Harvard study
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