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First hand Covid symptoms

I can tell you from experience that Covid 19 is real ! I got it 4 weeks ago , my daughter in law brought it home from the hospital where she is a ICU nurse. Son came down with it next day it went through the family in 3 days. At first it was like a cold , I felt bad but not so bad that I couldn’t do things in the shop . I knew I had it and self quarantined . I started getting head aches , sinus congestion and I was tired. Then i started to feel better but still blah my youngest son text me at 430 am and he said he couldn’t come into work by 6am I started feeling real bad and I had real bad headaches, sinuses were on fire and I felt it in my chest. Next day I went to urgent care and two hours later I was in the hospital with full blown pneumonia . I’m in really good shape , never smoked , don’t do drugs and drink in moderation. I’m on no medications and Covid crushed me and my brother. My wife tested positive three weeks ago and tested positive again Wednesday . She has to return to work only after a negative test . I lost 26 lbs still am tired and suffering from the effects of pneumonia . Both sons were sick for a couple days and had cold like symptoms. My loss of taste was more like anything I tried to eat tasted like someone had poured salt all over it , it’s just starting to go away.Thank god we were working in the shop that week and didn’t pass it to clients!
So how is everyone feeling about getting the vaccine? We are in our early 40’s. I’m on the fence and my wife is dead set against it. I was lucky that I had a mild case and I’m right around the 90 day mark of immunity. I know it definitely hasn’t had the testing time it would normally have but to me it’s worth the risk. A woman we know just passed Friday night from it. She was 51 with no underlying conditions. This is crazy stuff.
So how is everyone feeling about getting the vaccine? We are in our early 40’s. I’m on the fence and my wife is dead set against it. I was lucky that I had a mild case and I’m right around the 90 day mark of immunity. I know it definitely hasn’t had the testing time it would normally have but to me it’s worth the risk. A woman we know just passed Friday night from it. She was 51 with no underlying conditions. This is crazy stuff.
I’ll be getting it whenever my turn is up. I’ve never gotten a flu vaccine and only been diagnosed with the flu one time. However toughing it through the flu vs. something that has a decent chance of killing you, or you unknowingly spreading it to others that could die from it, is a whole different ballgame in my mind.
As soon as it's available to me I'll be in line for it.

Putting on my tinfoil hat, I think the current anti-vax sentiment is being driven by groups that want to see the US keep struggling...
So how is everyone feeling about getting the vaccine? We are in our early 40’s. I’m on the fence and my wife is dead set against it. I was lucky that I had a mild case and I’m right around the 90 day mark of immunity. I know it definitely hasn’t had the testing time it would normally have but to me it’s worth the risk. A woman we know just passed Friday night from it. She was 51 with no underlying conditions. This is crazy stuff.
My job pretty much requires me to get the vaccine. Not thrilled, but pretty much stuck (see what I did there?). The vaccination is not a job requirement, but it is "highly recommended" [required].
Though I can see this subject going off the rails:

I’m 36 and I’m getting my first dose from the Moderna vaccine on Tuesday.

My wife has already received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

Those two are not just any other vaccine. They are a new technology and I do not hold it against folks for deciding not to take them. My personal calculus for getting the vaccine does not revolve around the statistics of death, but around those of extreme cases, hospitalization, and long-haul symptoms. The rates of which for people in my age group looked at cumulatively increase the probability of what I don’t want enough that I am comfortable and prefer the risks associated with the vaccine.
So how is everyone feeling about getting the vaccine? We are in our early 40’s. I’m on the fence and my wife is dead set against it. I was lucky that I had a mild case and I’m right around the 90 day mark of immunity. I know it definitely hasn’t had the testing time it would normally have but to me it’s worth the risk. A woman we know just passed Friday night from it. She was 51 with no underlying conditions. This is crazy stuff.
I feel that one should get the vaccine as soon as they can.

My wife got Moderna vaccine, no different than any of the other vaccinations we’ve gotten over the years.

I’m at the bottom of the list, but will get mine when my cohort is up.
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One other thing to consider in your personal calculus:

There is pretty good evidence that if you are vaccinated you will be less likely to transmit the disease to others. Whether it be a loved one you are concerned about or just in general you want to be a part of ending this whole thing sooner.

Again, to each their own free of judgement. Just another thing to consider
Sorry to hear that @Randy11. That total change in lifestyle that many have to endure is something a lot of us take for granted with our good health...so far.

Our family is not anti-vax at all. My wife and I and our children are up to date on everything. Am I crazy to have some concern though about taking a vaccine that just has the feel of being rushed on the market? I’m not part of the hoax or denial crowd and have seen the seriousness of this virus. I can’t shake that nagging question though
I am not getting it anytime soon, my wife probably will for work reasons(special ed teacher) and some VERY medically challenged students. Rightfully she wants to prevent any possibility of infecting them, she loves those kids like our own. We both agree that just to quick to population and have longterm concerns...
MRNA is not new, been around for years, including in medicine. This is however the first time its been used in a vaccine for a virus. It wasn't developed for this and it most likely would have been the flu shot in another year or 2

My source is both my son who does virus stuff for a living and bosses husband who is in viral biologist for FDA
So how is everyone feeling about getting the vaccine? We are in our early 40’s. I’m on the fence and my wife is dead set against it.
Had my first Moderna shot (work related) a few days ago. It was the least painful vaccination I've received and I go through a good spell of vaccinations every 5 years due to a past surgery that results in a weakened immune system.
I felt as though my pupils were dilated for an eye exam the first day (headache around the eyes) and the second day a bit tired. I didn't have any significant pain in my shoulder as others reported. CDC has a great app that sends me daily texts to click and it has a set of questions to complete. A great means to collect data.

I have a booster set for 4 weeks from the initial. until then, they state approx. 65% effective and after the booster 95%.

It's interesting and understandable regarding the hesitation... after all it's not an "approved" FDA vaccination. It's made available under the Emergency Use Authorization. It's a scale between the adverse effect I might experience if I get covid w/o the vaccination and the reduced effect if I take the vaccination w/ the reality of unknown long term effects. For my day to day activity and with the advise of my personal doctor, aware of my medical history and Rna methodology within Phizer and Moderna… long term is nil and as he said, based on my day to day - a no brainer.

Edit: I attached the information they shared with me. .PDF


  • Moderna vaccination info.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 3
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So how is everyone feeling about getting the vaccine? We are in our early 40’s. I’m on the fence and my wife is dead set against it. I was lucky that I had a mild case and I’m right around the 90 day mark of immunity. I know it definitely hasn’t had the testing time it would normally have but to me it’s worth the risk. A woman we know just passed Friday night from it. She was 51 with no underlying conditions. This is crazy stuff.

Despite the fact I’ve had Covid our HQ recommended I get the vaccine when it’s available. I work in federal government essential services, and typically travel a lot. Medical people have not decided yet to classify us as 1b or 1c, so still unsure when we will get vaccine.
Well I'm in NM so that means I'll be last in line.......however I have had flu vaccines and many others over the years including Hep-B shots. Most I took while on duty in one fashion or another.
I guess being 65 and on MC I will qualify after frontline folks and older folks.
Efficacy issues are the only ones I have, with new strains showing up all over the place.
I believe in science.
Curious how many people not willing to get the vaccine (for whatever reason) are and were highly critical of those parents not willing to vaccinate their kids. I'd bet there's more than a few.

My wife is a hospice/home health nurse and all of her patients are at high risk if they were to get it. She hasn't gotten the vaccine yet but is on the list to as soon as available. I will get it when I can too.
I have two family members required to test weekly due to their jobs. Both have tested positive. They had zero symptoms and it makes me wonder how many people are walking around with this thing because if not for the test requirement my family members wouldn't have gotten a test and they would have been out there among us.