PEAX Equipment

First elk, Cow, CO archery

Went out for the opener and decided when this cow came walking in right at me that my thoughts of passing up a cow and waiting for a bull were silly for a flatlander that hasn't shot an elk yet.

When God gives you a gift, I say take it. ...
Congrats on an archery elk!

Sounds like the old joke with a man on his roof waiting out flood waters: as the waters rise a man in a canoe comes past, "buddy, need a hand?" "Nope, the Lord will provide." The waters continue to rise. A couple comes past in a boat, "Storm's gettin' worse, we got room for one more." "No thanks, the Lord will provide." The floodwaters start creeping up the roof. A helicopter sweeps low and lowers a rope. "I'll be fine, the Lord will provide!". The flood waters creep over the roof and the man drowns. At the gates, he encounters God. "God, I'm a devout Christian, how could you ignore my prayers and let me die?"

"Let you die? I sent you a canoe, a boat, and a helicopter!"

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