Wanted to post an update regarding my girlfriend following my earlier questions. I’ll post since she’s not on here, but I do have her permission.
She decided to hunt with my family in Missouri. Whitetail in a tree stand, so not spot and stalk, but a hunt nonetheless.
This followed tagging along with a friend who had an antelope tag in Montana, where she got to experience glassing, stalking, playing the wind, blood trailing, and a gutless method packout.
Three hours in the stand, about to nap from boredom and quit from cold, and a small buck came in. Stopped it in a shooting lane, made one clean shot. Mule kick, and it ran off. She took point on blood trailing, and there was some confusion with a deer spooking during the track from where hers ran. But she did her part, and there was never any reason to doubt it.
So here’s to the bad@$$ women hunters on here- for all the advice, and being positive role models. Thanks for sharing your stories- they make a difference.
Found her first deer. Take all the time you need.

Obligatory grip n’ grin.

She decided to hunt with my family in Missouri. Whitetail in a tree stand, so not spot and stalk, but a hunt nonetheless.
This followed tagging along with a friend who had an antelope tag in Montana, where she got to experience glassing, stalking, playing the wind, blood trailing, and a gutless method packout.
Three hours in the stand, about to nap from boredom and quit from cold, and a small buck came in. Stopped it in a shooting lane, made one clean shot. Mule kick, and it ran off. She took point on blood trailing, and there was some confusion with a deer spooking during the track from where hers ran. But she did her part, and there was never any reason to doubt it.
So here’s to the bad@$$ women hunters on here- for all the advice, and being positive role models. Thanks for sharing your stories- they make a difference.
Found her first deer. Take all the time you need.

Obligatory grip n’ grin.