Kenetrek Boots

First animal I’m meat skittish

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No man. I will continue eating but only when wife will deliver . Her condition those not permit her to consume store bought meat .
I started by thinking Jackson didn’t want store bought meat anymore, that I understand. Don’t know have much more I can help at this point
Okay so this may get me laughed out of this sub but here goes nothing. So the past couple years I’ve been wanting to be in control of my food chain more, specifically where my meat comes from. This year I’ve been on multiple bow hunts and after freezing a few weeks ago on some does..I got my first ever deer. A small buck. (I’m having my second child soon so I don’t know if I’ll be able to get out again this season, hence not waiting for something bigger)

All this to say that I’ve never really liked bone in meat of any kind, but now I’m noticing that I’m skittish of pretty much all meat, Chicken and pork that’s been in my fridge.

Has anyone else experienced this? I’ve been eating chicken and rice everyday for years now and it hasn’t bothered me. I don’t regret my decision to hunt and the first thing I did when I walked up to the downed animal was thank it.
Your life is too easy.

Hungry people are not skittish around food.
I want meat but my conditions those not permits me to consume at the moment . Will continue eating it when my second child will see the day . Lol

What does this even mean? “..but my conditions those not permits me”

I still have no clue what your meat issue is. Could you try again to simply state what the issue is?
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