Finding a DIY Private Land Hunt for 2025 (Or Similar)


Active member
Jul 13, 2016
Hi all,

I live in Colorado and hunt elk every year here and/or Wyoming, but I am originally from Georgia, and my father who still lives down there has recently expressed interest in elk hunting with me. FINALLY! The problem is he wants to go next year and he and his buddies have no points. He is not interested in a guided hunt so what I am looking for is a DIY, private land hunt. This has me thinking that a New Mexico private land hunt is the way to go. Sure, we can all apply for NM next year hoping to draw, but I've been doing that for the better part of a decade and have yet to hit one so I don't have high hopes there.

I am not locked in on NM, I was just thinking that would be the best place to go because I have a good number of points in most states and these guys have zero so that makes it tricky. Most options I see online are for guided hunts. Any advice on how to find a DIY private land hunt + tag or good ideas on how to get these guys a non-guided hunt that isnt a brutal OTC Colorado hunt? Any ideas or advice is welcome.
Hi all,

I live in Colorado and hunt elk every year here and/or Wyoming, but I am originally from Georgia, and my father who still lives down there has recently expressed interest in elk hunting with me. FINALLY! The problem is he wants to go next year and he and his buddies have no points. He is not interested in a guided hunt so what I am looking for is a DIY, private land hunt. This has me thinking that a New Mexico private land hunt is the way to go. Sure, we can all apply for NM next year hoping to draw, but I've been doing that for the better part of a decade and have yet to hit one so I don't have high hopes there.

I am not locked in on NM, I was just thinking that would be the best place to go because I have a good number of points in most states and these guys have zero so that makes it tricky. Most options I see online are for guided hunts. Any advice on how to find a DIY private land hunt + tag or good ideas on how to get these guys a non-guided hunt that isnt a brutal OTC Colorado hunt? Any ideas or advice is welcome.
I think you're on the right track with New Mexico but it might be hard to find a landowner willing to sell a tag to a self-guided hunter rather than through an outfitter. PLO tags will likely be easier to come by in Colorado or Wyoming but you're going to have to do a lot of work to find a rancher willing to let you onto a property that holds elk and hasn't already been leased by an outfitter.
Yeah I basically ran into that conclusion myself and gave up and came here to ask for help on creative solutions. As I was reading your comment though it triggered the idea of finding a place that does something like a 4:1 guide ratio so pops could hunt solo while his buddies go guided. Ideally the guide could just point out different areas to go check out and he could wander on his own until he gave up and got a day or two with the guide.
Yeah I basically ran into that conclusion myself and gave up and came here to ask for help on creative solutions. As I was reading your comment though it triggered the idea of finding a place that does something like a 4:1 guide ratio so pops could hunt solo while his buddies go guided. Ideally the guide could just point out different areas to go check out and he could wander on his own until he gave up and got a day or two with the guide.
Yeah, a drop camp setup might be your best situation.

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