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Federal land sales


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Bitterroot Valley
I was wondering how all you sportsman felt about our government selling off around 300,000 acres of Federal lands to pay for rural schools. Rather than asking Congress for the money, President Bush has asked that land be indentified in each forest and auctioned off to the highest bidder. This is lands you and I hunt and fish on. Comment period will end in late March so if you feel as I do, make sure you leave a note on the subject.

Last year He(Bush) tried to sale off federal lands to mininig and failed. He can fail again with our help.
What do you mean WH? He's from Texas, and he's rich, why would he give a chit about public land? Get away with this you say, this is small potatos if you compare it against his record, he's a crook and should be locked up.
dont have a problem with it.
sounds like a good idea.
Its amazing that anyone would think its a good idea to sell off public lands. In particular anyone who says they're a hunter.

Perhaps one of the dumbest ideas of GW's scatter-brained administration.

Then he wonders why his approval rating is 30%???
I think it sucks!!!!! Some of that land is also the same land that got shot down for the drilling. It is just another way to get the drilling in. Who do you think the Joe Public will be to buy these lands? You? Me? Big Money Corps? My bet is with the last one because it will be going to the highest bidder. Some of these lands are the same lands that hunters put in for year after year for what may be a once in a lifetime hunt. If this goes through, everyone who loves the outdoors will be a loser.
Its amazing that anyone would think its a good idea to sell off public lands. In particular anyone who says they're a hunter.

i know Buzz, but this thread would get no attention without some hostile or contrary action.....(someone may want to put up a link that works)

Learn how to use a computer, the internet, and Google and you will soon be able to find information on your own, and won't have to rely on others to hold your hand.
jose, thanks for the tip, here's one for you....... perhaps, you wouldn’t be so easily irritated if you have those anal warts removed.
That acreage in Alaska looks pretty good.... and i need a cool summer home....6 acres in town?? mmmm... Maybee 30+ acres near the copper river....even better.:)
BHR.. your wrong we have some good clean Junk out here... and its all enviromental fact most of it will decay before my wife does anything with it???
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