Caribou Gear

Federal Fusion

Brian in Montana

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2017
Ramsay, MT
I noticed on Midway USA that Federal Premium is now offering their Fusion bullets as a reloading component. Ive been pretty impressed with them in their factory ammo. Anybody tried handloading them yet?
I’ve hand loaded some blemished ones I bought on gunbroker. Shot great . I have been very happy with their performance on game . Good bullet IMO
Have only killed one animal with factory fusions, and they performed well. Muley buck at 475. I was pretty impressed for cheap loads.
I have taken a couple elk and half a dozen Whitetails with 150 gr. Federal Fusions in .270 Win. My wife has taken several Whitetails with 140 gr. Federal Fusions in 7mm-08. I have been impressed with the accuracy from our rifles, and the bullet performance in game.
I have reloaded them for 3 years as they were sold in .22cal 62 GR by rmr as overrun. I have used them in my 223's for deer and had excellent results.. They group well, not excellent but well out of 3 different rifles I've tried them in.. Their performance is better than any other bullet I've tried for medium game..
My .270 win groups really well and no complaints on the deer and antelope I have taken using the 130 gr.
It's my first "go to" factory bullet almost every time. I can't think of one deer I've shot with them that took a step. There are a few times though I've found the bullet while skinning them out.
I haven't handloaded them, but love the factory loads for my 284 hunt talk and 308! They have shor well and even the best of my trials for 243, 7-08, 308, 6.8 SPC, 280 & 7mm Rem Mag.

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