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Any idea what these are???

Brian in Montana

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2017
Ramsay, MT

I ordered a few things from Midway USA the other day. One of them being "factory overrun Sierra Game Kings 7mm 150grain". Well, my order arrived today and, I guess I'm no bulletsmith, but these ain't GameKings. I measured and weighed them - they are 7mm and 150gn. But they look like a Fusion with a cannelure or GrandSlam (with a small boat tail), neither of which come in 150gn that I've ever known of.

I called customer service, they couldn't figure it out either. So I'm planning to return them, but it's not exactly easy to come across 150gn 7mm bullets. If I could find out what they are and a little more about them, I'd certainly consider just keeping them.
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Those don't look like Game Kings, the lead tip is too short
I agree that it looks like a Fusion, except none of mine have a cannelure. Any time I find over runs or pulled Fusions I buy them with confidence, it's hard hitting accurate bullet that performs like a Gold Dot at 1/3 of the price. 20240105_153822.jpg20240105_153835.jpg20240105_153844.jpg
My first thought were they were 140gn Fusions with a cannelure, but I weighed them. I've just never seen or heard of 7mm Fusions coming in that weight, but I suppose it's not outside the realm of possibility they make them for factory ammo.

They almost look like an old Trophy Bonded Bearclaw.
I thought the old TBB were all flat base, not boat tail. When they switched to nickel plating they also made them boat tail and the heavier bullets got driving bands. It's hard to remember every iteration of the latest and greatest bullet, but you might be correct
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