favorite side arm for bears

No bears down here, but plenty of snakes, 'gators and bad guys! I carry every time I leave the house. My standard concealed carry is a Springfield XD .45, back up is a S&W Sigma .40, or a Bersa Thunder .380; it all depends on the type of clothing I'm wearing. I used to carry a Taurus .357 or Ruger Redhawk .44 mag. as a hunting backup, but after my strokes, broken back, and heart surgery they were too cumbersome to carry in the woods, so I switched to carrying the XD. I often will cap a deer to finish it quickly with the pistol, plus I carry a magazine loaded with snake shot since I'm totally adverse to rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cotton mouths!!!!! Around the house and my property I carry a High Point .9mm, mainly for snakes and the occasional run in with a 'yote.

Ain't nothing wrong with carrying, and it certainly is the antithesis of homo especially considering that a majority of those folks are anti-gun nuts!!!
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Last Saturday I was in the boonies from 6am til 9pm...................unarmed. I guess I'm lucky to be alive.
Last Saturday I was in the boonies from 6am til 9pm...................unarmed. I guess I'm lucky to be alive.

Firearm blasphemy! !!

Forget griz!!! It could be... a a ... uh, tree falling! Or ummm, a rabid squirrel!

Heh, i admittedly mostly hunt outside griz area in the mt nw... but man, something just feels good about having my .45Long/.410 polymer judge on my side... its my blankey! :D
PEAX Trekking Poles

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