Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Favorite or Best best wrist release out there and why?


Active member
Feb 21, 2016
Currently in the market for a new release as my spott hogg was accidentally misplaced on the mountain this last September. I have been looking closely at Carters but there are no shops around that carry them. I might go back to the spott hogg if I can't find anything better. My only complaint is it seemed to chew up by D-loop alot.
I got a fletcher .44 caliper release and never turned back. I just love those things and they just dont wear out. Still have one from 2003 that works great, but bought a newer one because the new style doesnt chew up D-loops like older ones. I also like the buckle strap so you can strap it exactly the same easily every time and it hangs out of your way while trying to do other things with hands. Like checking OnX or GPS.
I’ll second the Scott releases. Very well made and durable. I won the shark dual caliper model 7 years in a big buck contest, used it for years and sadly lost it, bought a used little goose single caliper from my brother that was mint condition and then found the shark the next day. Now the shark just lives in the bottom of my pack as a backup but I don’t see me ever needing it. Unless I lose the little goose... Both are very easy on D loops. I’ve never once had to replace mine on my current bow. In years gone by I’ve had cheap caliper releases that have had set screws slip at almost full draw causing a couple bloody nose/lip situations but have never had one single problem with my Scotts
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Personally I shoot a trufire hardcore. Love the adjustability and the hook style release causes almost no wear on the D-loop. Never had an issue with them but I did have to replace one when i dropped it in an uncut bean field..
Started shooting with a Scott Little Goose when I got into archery. Still shooting it with no issues or any intention of switching.
I was torn between the Carter Quickie and Spot Hogg Wiseguy. Bought them both. Kept the Carter sold the Wiseguy to a buddy. Nothing against the Spot Hogg it’s just the Carter felt better in the hand.
I use a T.R.U. Ball release for years now, no problems. Actually have 2 of them, one is a back up.
Trufire Hardcore. As someone else mentioned, it has adjustability and no wear on the D-loop with the hook. I'll also add that with the hook I can be hooked on the d-loop without having to look at it.
The jaws shouldn't wear on the DLoop. If it does there is probably a defect. I had a problem with a Tru fire and they told me they got a bad batch and sent me a new one. Haven't had the problem since.
I've been shooting the Fletcher 44 caliper and the Scott little goose. The Fletcher has velcro and the Scott is a buckle. Both are great and have lasted many years. I prefer the buckle vs. the velcro for quiet and exact same fit every time.
I am a huge fan of my Scott shark, had it for years and still works as well as the day I got it.
Had a Scott little goose till a pin came off while walking in for a hunt. Caliper fell off entirely.

I now run a Carter Nock2it, I won’t buy a Scott again...
Been using the same Scott release for more than 20 years. Countless shots with it and still works flawlessly. No intention of ever replacing it.
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