
Farthest You've Packed An Elk

JohnSWA, best of luck to you.
No mater what you get , how you get it pack it cook it or eat it,I know you'll have a great time.

Elkhunter & russ, ;) ;) .

Was this thread about how far we have packed an elk or about how far into a wilderness area we have hunted & packed out?
I thought it was about packing out!!!!

Rockydog,buzz & elkgunner,
If Bob kill's something 3 mile's back in a non-wilderness area and Joe kill's something 1 mile back in the wilderness area and they both had camp's set up on the border of the wilderness ,who's kill & pack out is better?

Would we first have to know if Bob had an ATV parked back at camp and what his view on more wilderness was :eek: ;) .
Was either one a FAATVR (Fat assed ATV Rider)?
You know this would make a big difference, especially if the ATV was sitting in the garage with an inch of dust on it....

I would also suspect it had to be the one in the wilderness, he is only there because they are one with the earth any way...

I haven't shot any of my elk in Wilderness areas, I got a couple out a park but no wilderness, the rest came from public land. I will have to say that is the same with all my deer, public land, not any thing on private ground. Some just don't seem to have any roads any where near them either, or ATV access....
Here is the only comment i made in this thread.

"DS, i hear ya. What blows my mind is people like Elkchsr and MuleDr4me who just cant seem to comprehend that. "

The subsequent exaggeration based on that statement just proves the most ignorant people have the biggest mouths.
And it was you that started this whole thing, starting it off hoping to pick a fight for what ever the reason... Sorry it didn't work out the way you planned, nothing on this board seems to...
I never PAck Out critters...

Well.. Except for a Few :

About 2 miles :


About 3 miles :


About 5 hours worth ?!?!?!


THis was the Montana Bull so it was Right of the road (WINK)


Say.... 2 miles(ish)


1/4 mile... but took 10 trips :


MAybe 2 or 3... but most was a trail so it was like cheating !!!!


And this one.. I chit you not, is about 85%+ of a Deboned spike Elk.... But the ground was snow covered so the 2:1 slopes made it easy... hehehe NOT !!!!! I'd say a Cheesy 3 miles.


And, I'm getting tiered just thinknig about it so I'm stopping at 8 pictures.. HEHE

OHHHH, this topic was ONLY about elk, MY bad !!!!! Farthest Elk I don't know. Most of my elk are close to a road or I keep telling myself that as I take the next step... and the next one.. and the next one... and so forth.
These are great pics....Thanks for sharing.... Finally some one that understands packing some thing out of the shear joy of it ;) And that little ridge couldn't be to much farther from the road so I'll just shoot it and pack it out...
One thing I can say, the single person that I can say started my personally going out into the wilds deeper and staying there was a story I had read by Bob Rob. He had stated that others call him stupid for packing out his animals (usually about five miles), his responce was, "At least my freezer is alway's full". So id doesn't matter where it is at or what it is, when it is time to pull one out and lay a tag on it, it hits the ground...

Got any more pics Moosie....
After re-reading this thread I think that ARCAT wins hands down for the farthest elk packing job, 30 miles is a whopper. MOOSIE wins for the best packing pictures. Ive never really thought of taking pictures of the pack job, but after watching this site i did take one last year.


Elkcheese, ill cut you a deal. You dont post to me, i wont post to you. Id be very happy with that.

[ 06-25-2004, 10:26: Message edited by: RockyDog ]
That doens't look like too far a pack, aren't you standing in a clearcut?? :0)

My longest elk pack....2 miles, most all on a closed road...sweet. Shortest.....less than 10 yard slide to the back of the truck, and that was not moving the truck after the shot!

Longest deer was about 6 miles, forked horn.....shitty. I didn't shoot it either!

Longest bear...about 2 miles. Brushy, caca.

For my benefit, I hope you guys make that deal!
I suppose I could, but here is the other stip.... ;)
Keep the inuendoe's, name calling, and what ever else you decide to do to jump on the band wagon to yourself and not make it public on this board, and I will abide by the agreement...

Want to meet in Missoula and shake on it...
I will state though, it is totaly your decision, even if I would deam it as a silly one. Lifes to short to shut people off because of some mild dislikes.... But you can have your wish, if it is what you want...
I knew I had these, they are the back half of the elk I ran out of the woods, the front was 90 lbs, the back, (this portion) was 95. My nephew said it looked like I had shot a big turkey and packed it out...
This one was 6 1/2, it doesn't measure up to some on the board, and I wouldn't want to take any ones kudos for some of the hard work they have put in, just thought it would be fun to post them...


I will see if I can get them up and posted, I just got off the phone with Bill on how to fix it...Crossed fingers.. XX
There we go, finally got the pic formats changed so that I could throw them up...

Don't tell any one, I really shot one of these big Montana turkeys.
Thanks, I am really glad that this thread came up, I got to find out I am not the only goof ball that will beat themselves half to death for the sheer joy of it... ;)
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