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Farthest You've Packed An Elk

Your right Rocky, about the bulls...
That is what I am searching for, and while I am there and it is getting the end of the season, I just get what I get. It takes years of learning this critter and it's habits if you don't have others teaching along the way.
The thing I look for the most is places where the hunters aren't and the elk are. That way they aren't or havent been pressured at all. I run across a bull two years ago that was bugling hard in November. I stayed close until the season ended and never even got a look at him. He was in the heaviest brush and kept moving pretty quick. He also had some 45 or so cow's and calves to keep him warned, and the snow was very crunchy. I have learned new things since then to battle crunchy snow. ;)
ElkChsr, i hope you realize i was being sarcastic about that. If there is easy access there wont be big bulls.

Unless you want to hunt once very 10 years like down in the southwest.
Elkchsr, "I have learned new things since then to battle crunchy snow." What have you learned? I handle crunchy snow by going barefoot, but the snow builds up between my toes and makes it hard to grip the rocks.
About a half mile on a nice trail, pretty lucky. I learned an elk ham weighs about what a whole deer weighs down here. One time, me and another guy carried two exotics, a ram and a blackbuck, out of a ranch on a pole, with their feet tied up and them hanging, the old fashioned way. The ranch was full of mud, lots of rain, so we carried them out. It was lighter than the elk parts, but the mud was worse "walking".
was it hard getting through the gates of the high fences packing those animals out that way Tom?
We put it down, opened the gate, then picked it up again. We were a lot more muddy than they were. One trip for each. Leave the gates as you find them, that's the rule down here. Do you have any gates up there 280?
while elk hunting i shot a mule deer in a area we call the big hole. i figured we had 4 horses and it would be no problem.
i went and found my brother and told him i needed help with the horses.
we headed in when i told corey where the buck was he got rialed up and started telling me he wouldn't hunt there for a elk and wasn't happy about the situation.
We headed to the hole all the way the horses butts were inches off the ground heading down the hill when we reached the whole we tied the horses and loaded the buck whole it was apparent that this wouldnt work the horse and the buck would never fit threw the trees.
we ended up deboning the buck and packing out the cape.
on the way up the pack horse crossed over the horse my bro was riding and wrapped the rope arround its tail.
it was probully one of those bucks that i should have let walk but ya gotta go where the bucks are
Corey's horse looked back then sat down like a dog.
it looked at me like saying "I aint going any where tell you get this off my butt.
any other horse and thare would have been a train wreck on that slope. she sat there while i untied its tail she got back up like nothing happened.
We always used a horn value to determine how far was too far. Spikes (when they were legal on the West side) within a mile, out to 3 miles was 3 point or better, 3-5 miles out = 5 point or better, 7 miles out better be at least a 7 x 7. Never used horses, and have always shared our meat equally with all who packed it.

Had a partner once that wanted to change the arrangements. He thought the guy that shot it should get at least half. His brother promptly informed him; "you shoot it, and will tell you what it's worth to get it out. And if you shoot one in that hole you got your last one... we might let you keep the horns???".

LOL Bill, Rocky, and Ithica....
Walking bare foot in the crunchy snow, now I know you are one tough hombre.... That is a trick I would love to learn... ;)
"Wouldnt it be nice if there were just a road or an ATV trail into those areas were the big bulls are? ".........

Sometimes it seems exactly what they're trying to do Rocky.......or at least the mindset.

Russ, what are the new tactics for dealing with crunchy snow?....this could be useful information.
When have I ever said any thing about putting roads into those areas Rocky, I also don't recall talking much about my self driving into much of any places I hunt, is it that you are having with drawls from no fighting going on in SI so your going to jump all over and see if you can get some one going else where...

Sorry, I don't want to play.

You need to pay attention more to what I actually say and not what you want to see... ;)
I would be more than happy in passing on what I have learned on walking up on elk in crunchy snow if your interested...
Elkchsr, although i dont post in SI very often, i do read the way you post towards others. Dont expect no love from me.
Elkchsr, I hardly would call Rocky's saying you don't comprehend the road/roadless issue as "hatred". This is a forum, and to disagree with someone and their views should be a normal occurence. I think sometimes you give yourself too much credit as being "picked on". It MAY simply be that they don't agree with you.....and when they don't, you say they are either "picking on you" or they "hate you". Why can'y it be that they just think your wrong?

...furthermore, you have admitted to sometimes posting "just to post" and "keep your numbers up", not always being informed on the topic your responding to, but rather, just tryin to catch up to Elkhunter's wouldn't it be reasonable to see why your met with disagreement much of the time if you admit to posting on topics your ill-informed on in an effort to set a lofty posting number?

[ 06-22-2004, 15:07: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]
Once again...poor Elkcheese is the victim...along with Bill Clinton, Rodney King, and Monica...HAHAHAHAHA.

Wheres Gunner when we need him?

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