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Farthest You've Packed An Elk

Just a little advice for you. Sometimes it is better to be thought a fool then to open your mouth (or post on a forum) and remove all doubt.

I don't think post counts are a very good reason to wade into a discussion you are ill informed about. I also don't think hatred has anything to with some replys you get. I think frustration is a more accurate word.

Think what you like Mark, you will any way... ;)
I never perport to understand every nuance of what is going on, I only pic parts out and make comments, nothing more. Then it is jumped on that I have a keen knowledge or non-knowledge of the whole topic at hand. Seems a few people will jump on the very smallest of things and blow them up to huge volumes of hot air. Putting words in where non were said or meant. Justifying any thing they would like in their own minds, no matter how far fetched it may be. Yes, I may have been a little vicious in the past, show me any of you that have not, and unjustifiably so in a lot, or at least some instances....

Part of what I have seen with Rockies distaste, is that I at one time or another was picking on some one he liked, so he feels justified to come to the rescue. Nothing more, I see you doing the same thing. As far as I can remember, I don't ever remember saying any thing untoward to you or Rocky...

I suppose I will quickly be shown wrong if I have, so be it, if you can show me, I will appologize.
The three elk I've taken so far have all been nice enough to expire someplace where we could get the horses within fifty yards. Thanks to thoses houses I didn't break a sweat. On the other hand, DS shot a cow elk that had the bad manners to run over the crest of "widowmaker" cannyon (local name) before she dropped, and slid about 1/3 mile down into the steepest, deadfall choked, slippery pit I have ever seen. We road the horses to the edge and they refused to go further ( can't blame them, smart horses). We had to climb (not walk, CLIMB) down, and quarter her. Then Mark went back up, got the horses and road around the mountain to the bottem of the cannyon, while I tried to carry/drag all four quarters down 1 mile through dead fall, on snow/ice covered 45% cannyon walls.
I was one tired puppy.

[ 06-23-2004, 16:01: Message edited by: A-con ]
"DS, i hear ya. What blows my mind is people like Elkchsr and MuleDr4me who just cant seem to comprehend that. "

LOL rockydog ,so packing out an elk or other game to a road where a ATV or truck is parked is not comprehending ,WHAT?

I guess I'm guilty of not compreheding how you get to your wilderness area or jumping off area to start hunting.
Do you live so close that you can walk with all your gear ?
That's pretty cool ,we don't so we usually take off for 10 days at a time using our truck to get to a camping spot ,sometime's taking along the ATV, using it in place of the truck but just as often leaving it parked in camp.

I'm sorry I didn't catch on before that you don't drive any place,and you can access wilderness area's out your back yard.
My mistake.

To get back to the question,
The farthest we have had to pack an elk was 3 mile's.

We carried out what we could with out pack frame's ,leaving the rest in the shade ,then hiking back out to the truck and back to camp .
It was dark by then so we waited till morning to hike back in with the pack frame's and get the rest of the meat.

Depending on how far from camp we are hunting,we either leave the pack frame's in camp or leave them in whatever we drive away from camp in.
Most of the time if one of us kill's something Steve goes back to get the pack frame's while I stay and work on whatever animal we have down.
Steve use's his GPS so quite often we can find a better way back to down game then the way we hunted it comming in.
LOL Deb...
Very well said... It is a quick and easy hike from Missoula right into the heart of the best wilderness in the country.
:D :D :D LMAO!!! You guy's are so serious....HAHAHAHA!!! This is really funny. Thanks for the map Nemont, kinda vauge on the details, but it works. I would suspect gunner wouldn't understand the joke MD made, because he has been out of circulation. But you Nemont, come on now, you've been around the board for the last couple day's... Look up Rocky's comments, think about the past, and go with it. It really is quite amusing....
Wow, if you ignore all of Elkcheese's empty posts, you can actually learn something here.

I had no idea Montana had that many "Wilderness" areas.

As small as many of them look, it doesn't seem that any of them could be "locked up". I know the Selway-Bitteroot allows motorzied access.

but that is probably too far for Elkcheese to hike from Missoula.
But you Nemont, come on now, you've been around the board for the last couple day's... Look up Rocky's comments, think about the past, and go with it. It really is quite amusing
I can assure you I am the least serious person regarding posting on this board. Generally I could give a rip.
Your sense of humor escapes however I guess I will chalk it up to simple thing please simple minds.

Actually, if elkcheese knew anything about Missoula or wilderness...or anything else, he'd realize you can literally hike from Downtown Missoula into the Rattlesnake Wilderness in a couple hours. Its a real easy hike.
Yep, Buzz, your alway's right.... ;)
Keep up the good work, you will make it to heaven by your good deeds..
How far have I packed? Well......about zero feet, yards, miles! I'm doing my first Elk hunt this year!

I'll hike, walk, grunt, groan, bitch, whine, etc. just to get a cow!

I can't wait!

Panhandle Unit 6....here I come!
This time, I'll be taking up a hillbilly buddy of mine. I'll be driving. Probably flying for deer season.

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