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Fantasy Football... Anyone up to start it?

Correct. For instance, if you pre rank your top 50 guys and stop there, when pick #51 comes around, the computer will automatically revert back to their chart of the remaining players. You don't even have to pre rank players if you don't want to, but I would suggest giving a little input. Is that clear? Clear as mud? :)
Sweet, that makes 12 and we are finally a full league. Would some night during the week of the 22nd-26th work for everyone to draft? Not sure what hunt/work schedules are like for everyone....

If we can do it later in the evening...of whatever day that would be great. Sometimes I don't get it until 7-8ish from the field.
I will most likely just have mine set on computer draw, so any day/time is good with me.
Hey all, there is one more Hunt Talker that wants to get in on the action... We need 2 in order to make that happen - Anyone else interested in joining in? 1 spot is available. We already have a full league, though Dainer is able to bump in more so long as we keep an even number of players.

LOOKING FOR 1 HT'er, first one in gets the spot... We have 1 on hold, pending another HT'er can join.

This will make a total of 14 players. THIS SHOULD BE SOME FUN STUFF :)

Anyone in the league know of another that wants to join in, give him a holler. - or, bug the hell outta him to join... heck, that is what friends are for! :) Sometimes they need a swift kick in the arse to understand your looking out for their best interest! :) haha!
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Bump. Looking for one more HT'er to join. We havea full league currently (12 HT'ers) and are able to open it to 14. We currently have 1 HT'er who would like to join though need another to make this happen. (has to stay even #'s.)

Anyone up for it? Cheers all!

****Also Dainer, we are currently set up for 4 WR's. Whatcha think about 3 or 2...? In WR's, we would need some 6-8 on our teams to compensate for injury / buy weeks, etc.
I was kind thinking same thing about pairing down a bit on rosters because we have 14 teams...pickins are gonna be slim.
Yes, once we got above 8 teams i planned on adjusting the number of starters. I would like to see everyone have quality players on their team, not starting a guy who doesn't even get in the game some weeks. Anyways we could change it to 3 Wr's, 2 Rb's, and then a wr/rb flex player? Looking at the rankings, that would put us into the 42nd ranked WR and 28th ranked rb. Those are still pretty big names. Just let me know what you guys want to do, it's as simple as clicking a button.
I joined says we have an uneven number

StHubert is the other. Once he gets set up in the Yahoo FF deal - we will have our max 14 players. Thanks 2pointslayr for joining in :) EDIT UPDATE - StHubert is in 14 teams rolling and our first week has been set.

NIKSTER - Haha, you and I... Get ready to LOSE! :D (trash talk time... )

Sounds good, Dainer. 3/2 total or 2/2 with rb/wr option. I have not played with an option before though that would work pretty well esp. during buys and injuries.
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It will be a live draft. However, for those unable to attend, the computer will pick for you based on your player ranking list. How does WEDNESDAY AUGUST 24TH AT 9 P.M. PACIFIC TIME work for everyone?
works for me and everyone who cant make it pre list ur draft picks so it has an idea of who you want also makes the draft a lot faster
Works for me! I pre selected my draft. I'll probably be asleep in tennessee by then but I trust the puter!
The draft will be held Wednesday 8/24/11 at 8:45 PM Pacific time. This is the latest time of day Yahoo allows drafts. I will go through and send pm's to everyone who has signed up. Also, I posted this on our league page. If you can not make this, do not panic. The computer will draft for you.
Yes, it will be random order and will automatically be set 30 minutes prior to draft. The team with the first pick of Round 1 will be last pick of Round 2. This is referred to as snaking. I can also have it randomly assign the draft order right now so we can start planning for our pics if you guys would like? I really hope I don't get 1st pick in a 14 team league...
yeah randomize it now so we can plan im keeping my fingers crosses for the 7th pick
Pre Draft is set... Play ball!

Would third round the second pic then? Then 4 would be the second to last pic?

Well that'll work fine too...
Hopefully the computer is good to me...I will be deep in the wilderness chasing bucks that week.

Oh well...:hump::hump::hump:

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