Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Fantasy Football... Anyone up to start it?

Correct, once we draft that is it. No more teams may enter. We will be able to pick up free agents and trade after the draft has been conducted. I agree we should wait to draft in case of injuries during pre season etc. I also like the "live" draft better. It enables you to have a strategy, instead of having the first 5 picks on your team being running backs, just because of the way it happened to work out on your list, and only being able to start 3. This results in being stacked at RB, but then your WR or some other position will be weak. We'll just have to play it by year. 8 teams in the league now...
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8 thus far. Good stuff. It is as laid back or as dedicated as one wants to make it. Great turn out so far would be great to get 10+ the more the merry! There has gotta be a couple more with interest. :)
Alright guys. We are up to 10 teams. If anyone else wants to play, now would be the time to sign up. I think I will start posting on our league page instead of clogging up the hunt talk forum, so be sure to check in. Also, I did some research and it looks like we can do a live draft, and for those who are unable to attend, they will be able to pre rank their players and let the computer autopick. Does this sound like it would make everyone happy?
Alright guys. We are up to 10 teams. If anyone else wants to play, now would be the time to sign up. I think I will start posting on our league page instead of clogging up the hunt talk forum, so be sure to check in. Also, I did some research and it looks like we can do a live draft, and for those who are unable to attend, they will be able to pre rank their players and let the computer autopick. Does this sound like it would make everyone happy?

Make it easy on yourself but I think posting info here is least til we're up and running.
Ya, same as NHY... Posting here would work for me as well. Will help me follow along with the "stuff" going on as I will be pretty limited on the yahoo page - except when I am whoopin some HT arse! (far from it, though it sounds good) :)
Sounds great> Never having been in one of these leagues.... what type of player do you want to draft?

good luck to all
the dog

If you are taking it easy in the event, it will auto draft your players... (That correct, Dainer?)
If you want to look into it a bit more to start, Click on your team name and it will prompt for a "PRE DRAFT SELECTION" or something to that effect.
I set up parameters for top avg draft pick in catagory 1 and then go through each position.

From there, I find the players I like and select X amount for each position.

At the end of my selection for all the positions, I go back through and pull another 3-4 per position... Not intending to have all those players though to compensate for drafts I lose from others getting that player.

Usually that will get one going pretty well. Once the draft selection process takes place, your pre draft line is used for the order of your teams draft process...

In a nut shell - click pre-draft and select the players + a few per position they play. Hit the save button when done.
Yup, Sytes is correct. If you want to have a little bit of input you may pre rank your players. Just because some "experts" have players ranked a certain way doesn't mean you have to obey their rank. For example, they seem to be pretty high on Ryan Mathews again this year and had him ranked accordingly. I, on the other hand am not, so I moved him lower in the rankings behind players I liked better. You can also add players to a "do not draft list". So if you don't want a player on your team for whatever reason, add him to this list. Using the average draft position rankings is a pretty good way to do it, as this shows where the 100,000 teams which have already drafted selected players. 11 teams are in, looking for 1 more...
Sweet, that makes 12 and we are finally a full league. Would some night during the week of the 22nd-26th work for everyone to draft? Not sure what hunt/work schedules are like for everyone....
Sweet, that makes 12 and we are finally a full league. Would some night during the week of the 22nd-26th work for everyone to draft? Not sure what hunt/work schedules are like for everyone....

Works for me! any night
Sweet, that makes 12 and we are finally a full league. Would some night during the week of the 22nd-26th work for everyone to draft? Not sure what hunt/work schedules are like for everyone....

Sounds good here. 22-26

Dainer, that would mean no more are able to join in once the draft begins?
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Yes, that is correct. As of right now the league is full. If anyone else would like to join let me know and I can open up 2 more spots.
Dainer, just want to make sure...
The draft will do one of two things:

1. Follow the general draft list to fill the players for a team.
2. Follow the right column pre draft personalized list from top to bottom to fill the list?

We are not needed to actually participate in a draft once our pre draft selection is made?
Is this correct?

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