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Facebook Is At It Again

Facebook and Google should be broken up under anti-trust statutes..

Their power is beyond reasonable. I do agree with them having the ability to censor content it's their business. However their business models have effectively strangled any type of competition.. These business models are how they wield so much power..
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Facebook and Google should be broken up under anti-trust statutes..

Their power is beyond reasonable. I do agree with them having the ability to censor content it their business. However their business models have effectively strangled any type of competition.. These business models are how they wield so much power..

Reminds one of our vaunted haloed halls of higher education.
I used to legitimately be concerned with the power of social media, specifically Facebook, and feared it would take over all aspects of our lives. However, I've been encouraged that some of the best people I know, the future leaders of our communities, all millennials or younger, have ditched it and often shunned social media entirely. I know I've just recently said good buy to FB, I used to keep it in order to stay in touch with old friends, but that simply isn't a powerful enough pull anymore. The only reason my account is still active is because I'm the manager of our local Sportsman's Association page.

I think in the future you will find more and more people that realize they aren't getting any enjoyment from social media, just the opposite, it's become a point of stress in their lives, and they'll abandon it.
I like Facebook, and treat it like a blog that revolves around greasy food and geography.

There is a danger in social media as it pertains to the opinions of the masses. I basically get all of my news on social media, and I bet you do too. The biologist, Bret Weinstein said it better than I could:

“The major-platform algorithms make us feel as if we are walking together when we are really in individually bespoke halls of mirrors. My new rule: don’t assume anyone has seen anything, even when it seems to exist in plain sight, right in front of you both.”

To translate, many people’s models of the world are curated by companies with advanced knowledge of brain chemistry, modeling their personalized products to you in a way that consistently rings the bells of outrage and atta boys, and this creates incredibly poorly calibrated people.
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Facebook is a private company, they have every right to dictate what is on their site. If you don't like it, tough. Don't use the product then. Just like twitter when FOX, POTUS, Right-wing think tanks etc. spread lies and misinformation. They will tag it or remove it
Took the words right out of my mouth.
I'll add that if Facebook is causing you stress, maybe it's the friends list you have that is actually the source of stress. There are clever little tools on FB to deal with that, such as snooze, unfollow and unfriend. I've found them to be very useful, especially lately.
I really don't mess with FB much. My friend list is limited to family and high school and college friends I want to keep in touch with. I intentionally avoid politics on FB and generally unfollow people that don't.

That said, I can see the argument that social media is effectively the "public square" of modern times and should consider it a responsibility not to stifle opinions of politics they're owners/leadership are not in line with. However, the conservative in me also bristles at government regulations telling a privately owned company what it can or can't do. It's kind is a paradox, but we're likely going to be arguing about this for most all of our lives, to one extent or another.
I really don't mess with FB much. My friend list is limited to family and high school and college friends I want to keep in touch with. I intentionally avoid politics on FB and generally unfollow people that don't.

That said, I can see the argument that social media is effectively the "public square" of modern times and should consider it a responsibility not to stifle opinions of politics they're owners/leadership are not in line with. However, the conservative in me also bristles at government regulations telling a privately owned company what it can or can't do. It's kind is a paradox, but we're likely going to be arguing about this for most all of our lives, to one extent or another.

I think it's more like a private bar, where the barkeep is throwing someone out of the door while yelling, "Take that commie/socialist/conspiracy/criminal/pirate/etc. nonsense somewhere else!! Not in MY bar!!"
People typically will doubt unbelievable statements or claims that they hear it straight from a persons mouth when they are face to face.

For some reason people seem to believe everything they read if it’s on ANY social media site.

Facebook, Instagram, etc. only have as much power as we give them. I enjoy posting and looking at Instagram....I follow lots of fellow outdoorsmen, personalities such as Newberg, and product lines I support. I don’t however believe everything I see on Instagram, I would be a moron if I did.

Don’t believe everything you hear

Don’t believe everything you see

Don’t believe everything you read

Don’t believe everything you think

The only evil here is naivety
I had FB for a while, didnt really post much even as a small business owner didnt see much value in it seemed like a lot of BS and drama
So I shut it down yrs ago and I still sleep really well dont miss it one bit
IMO to many people spend to much time with their phones in their face on FB and things like it in stead of spending time with each other
Instead of starting a new thread I thought I would just tack on to this older one, sorta the same point.

It's interesting that we've all seen FB and other social media block and censor hunting/killing content but apparently have no issue with actual wildlife trafficking or, you know, real laws.
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