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Facebook Is At It Again

I almost posted this a couple days ago. Glad I didn't. Don't buy NorthFace now, and won't in the future. mtmuley

FB, IG, YT, Twitch, Twitter, even the low end Hunt Talk, are all private enterprises. There is no infringement on freedom of speech when you agree to rules set forth by a private property owner.

If you're the Westboro Baptist Church and come on my property to exercise your First Amendment rights by protesting a funeral of a soldier, you're getting your ass hauled away. My property. Their First Amendment rights aren't going to be exercised against my Fifth Amendment rights.

Same applies to private property in the world of digital platforms. First Amendment rights apply to the individual and if they agree to subrogate those rights for the benefits that come with enjoying the use of another's property protected under the Fifth Amendment, so be it. If you don't like how the property owner conducts their business, build your own asset, move along to some other platform, or suck it up and quit whining.

Funny that some want the benefits of these very large private enterprise platforms in the digital space. Yet, when they don't follow the rules or the platform does something that said group(s) don't like, now it is all about censorship and violation of First Amendment rights.

The convenience by which these folks pick and choose what part of the Constitution they adhere to is remarkable. Kind of like the Bundys ranting as being such Constitutional scholars, but when Article Three of the Constitution gives powers to the Judiciary, the Bundys claim those judicial decisions don't apply to them. Those types follow a "Constitution of Convenience," one of personal convenience, not the Constitution of the United States.

It can be. It better be. Or, people can pack their keyboards.

You make good a good argument. I guess my uneducated mind just replies, it don't make it right.
There are a lot of folks that agree with me and are calling for regulation to control it. To the extent that Zuckerberg has been called to Congress to testify on his crooked dealings.
Yes, everyone has the right to just go away if you dont like it. But his company is manipulating people for his agenda. Then lies about it and says he is not.
The way political polarization is (and I’m sure this has been happening a long time), “misinformation” is starting to be used more and more as a replacement for “valid opinions that I don’t agree with”

Edit: I am not trying to claim that every opinion out there is valid and productive
I am fine with Facebook applying censorship to a different political view, unless they are taking large sums of public money or are being exempted from anti trust legislation.
If you don't pay for the product, you are the product.
So true...good quote davinski.

Gaining a political media edge is the fastest growing tech machination going. They go low we go high...or is it vice versa.
My Facebook feed currently looks like two days before election prime time tv commercials- Non stop, endless, propaganda. Bla bla bla over and over.

What a waste of precious time, especially the people posting their political views, like a broken record.

Eventually, it seems there will no longer be any credible news source. Maybe they all will soon be considered liars and treated accordinly.

Anyway, I find myself on Facebook less and less, but do scroll through a couple of times a day for events and activities of my hobby groups.

I mostly ignore the propaganda, and don’t find the people that seem to spend a very disproportionate amount of their time posting it, particularly admirable.
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I got no problem with what Facebook censors because I recently censored Facebook from my life as well. That means both of us are exercising our rights as free Americans and I’m good with that. I discovered I no longer needed it and I’m sure billionaire Zuckerberg is doing fine without me as well.
Oh this is a lively one to watch... I don’t have a dog in the fight with FB. I got rid of mine years ago so my mom couldn’t stalk me anymore. Now I have a secret Twitter for my wife and friends. Hope my mom isn’t on HT.... I still want that inheritance.

no shirt no shoes no service. You don’t like it? Get food somewhere else.
No, it just amplifies it and makes it more visible. You don't have to wonder who the crazies are, because they make themselves easy to pick out.

Stupidity and close mindedness will be responsible for the downfall of society.

idk... after seeing all the lies on social media that keeps people in such a heightened emotional states during this last go of rioting that went on around me, I think it spreads as much crazy as it exposes.
FB did have a great sale on Arcteryx tho....;)

Anyone thinking they might try to do as good a job on merch scams as they do on thought policing?

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