Extreme hunting pressure in region 7.

Having hunted portions of R7 for the past 28 years, I agree with the comments about how bad R7 has gotten. Pretty disgusting how much good habitat there is, yet so few animals. Just spent two days antelope hunting the district north of the river last Tuesday and Wednesday. Hunted a BMA and public. Antelope numbers are down for sure but we had no trouble finding huntable antelope. Surprisingly, only saw a few people driving the roads but no one out hiking. one truck we saw drove to the end of a road, turned around. We pulled up to the end of the road, walked a half mile over the ridge and found a herd of 25 with 11 bucks. Had no trouble filling 3 tags in 2 days. I was expecting it to be significantly worse. Would be nice if they kept the tags low but I doubt it.
All types of hunters in my experience. The locals know who's home and when. They know if an old rancher can't get around well anymore. They know the roads wardens patrol. NRs are usually cautious about where they are at but they sure shoot the shit out of mule deer fork horns.
Oh yeah sure, it’s definitely the locals.
All types of hunters in my experience. The locals know who's home and when. They know if an old rancher can't get around well anymore. They know the roads wardens patrol. NRs are usually cautious about where they are at but they sure shoot the shit out of mule deer fork horns.

The locals you know have way more knowledge of the landowners and wardens than the locals I know.
I’ll drop my hunting kill spot coordinates for the good of the resource, and will see all of you, the 4 guys from Washington filming for their YouTube channel, the 3 guys from California also filming for their YouTube channel, the two guys from Minnesota just there to “backcountry” forky hunt, the 4 new residents from Colorado that now live in Billings, the guy from Butte who’s brother showed him the spot, the 2 guys from Kalispell, the 6 guys from Bozeman that have been hunting there for “20 years”, and the 8-10 locals that are checking it out for the day. I’m sure you’ll all have a nice hunt.
What I’m most curious about this season is to see how many people are hunting in region 4 specifically 410 and 417 that will have no idea it went LE for deer . Signing up for a bma in 4 today the guy on the phone said yeh it’s been record number of calls I said how is that possible with the LE deer he said what do you mean ? Jesus fc….
What I’m most curious about this season is to see how many people are hunting in region 4 specifically 410 and 417 that will have no idea it went LE for deer . Signing up for a bma in 4 today the guy on the phone said yeh it’s been record number of calls I said how is that possible with the LE deer he said what do you mean ? Jesus fc….

Im curious on the effects it’s going to have on 700 which is already piss pounded
What I’m most curious about this season is to see how many people are hunting in region 4 specifically 410 and 417 that will have no idea it went LE for deer . Signing up for a bma in 4 today the guy on the phone said yeh it’s been record number of calls I said how is that possible with the LE deer he said what do you mean ? Jesus fc….

You wouldn’t believe how much better my hunting has become since I stopped paying attention to which units were LE and which were general.😏
This post if I get it up took a considerable amount of effort since I have been limited by the moderators. I feel it is important enough to take the time. If FWP continues to allow unlimited tags you will see access continue to get shut down with landowner-hunter fatigue. I already know of two landowners that will no longer be in block after this year due to poor hunter behavior. The pressure I have seen from western Montana and out of staters before general rifle is incredible. Limiting tags which needs to happen will screw the locals as we are outnumbered by western Montana. It’s a tough spot for the locals that literally have watched their hunting burn to the ground. They could have burnt it down themselves if they wanted to exploit wildlife for personal gain.
I think it's absolutely ridiculous to start blaming residents from the other side of the state instead of the people managing the area. As far as poor hunting behavior goes, unfortunately that's everywhere in every state. But I do agree with needed better management via cutting back tags and what not. Also I'm not from nor do I live in western montana so not a personal response from me.
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Wyoming does too. I went down the rabbit hole of reading all the age class/recruitment studies. They are outdated and marginal at best IMO. A lot more quality research could be done on the topic. Game agencies seem to cherry pick these points on recruitment and age class from a handful of sub par studies and use them as gospel. There is so much more to the equation that needs to be considered.
Wyoming has way better season structure for bucks to survive, talking compared to montana. Idk about idaho. The unit i hunted in wyoming has 2 weeks for rifle, in montana in have 5 weeks and during peak rut....
I think it's absolutely ridiculous to start blaming residents from the other side of the state instead of the people managing the area. As far as poor hunting behavior goes, unfortunately that's everywhere in every state. But I do agree with needed better management via cutting back tags and what not. Also I'm not from nor do I live in western montana so not a personal response from me.
Do you know any YouTubers from east montana? Just saying. I could run out of fingers just listing bozetard YouTubers. So I think some blame is appropriate however what’s actually ridiculous is your reading comprehension since @DFS clearly stated “if fwp continues”
Do you know any YouTubers from east montana? Just saying. I could run out of fingers just listing bozetard YouTubers. So I think some blame is appropriate however what’s actually ridiculous is your reading comprehension since @DFS clearly stated “if fwp continues”

Bozeman isn’t “the other side of the state”. More south central. Don’t lump them in with us. Kind of offensive!

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