experince vs gifts?


Active member
Feb 26, 2024
Sorry I didnt know how to start thread. But the unit I will probably draw is my second choice. I have nine pp points. My question is, judging through a spotting scope. What do you all look at at an antelope? Before I decide to chase and stalk. I know it is one of the easiest hunts, but judging a trophy is....... what it is. And the place I will draw has trophy potential. And before you all call me names, I am okay with that. A big trophy goat has more delicious meat than a doe.
Sorry I didnt know how to start thread. But the unit I will probably draw is my second choice. I have nine pp points. My question is, judging through a spotting scope. What do you all look at at an antelope? Before I decide to chase and stalk. I know it is one of the easiest hunts, but judging a trophy is....... what it is. And the place I will draw has trophy potential. And before you all call me names, I am okay with that. A big trophy goat has more delicious meat than a doe.
The knowledge you seek may be found in the sacred texts:
My 2 cents: Go and look around for a few hours and see what the unit offers. Then you have a gauge and a baseline.

Then go find one on the bigger end that looks good to you.

My favorite antelope hunts are the ones where I just try to find a solid, mature buck. The two hunts (Utah and Nevada) where I shot really nice antelope were a good time, but the pressure made it less fun.
I already know the unit. I dont give honey holes or units. Already know the unit I am probably going to draw.Thats why I applied to hunt there. 9 pp. I was just politely asking on judging big bucks. What to look at and consider. I have never chased pronghorns and have waited a while to do so. I get your welcome to ht! I am not asking where to go or how to do it, just how to judge a nice pronghorn. So come August when I am in the Brooks chasing sheep (which folks tell me nicely how judge a legal Dall) I will probably laugh at the fact I tried some hunt forum to discuss hunting and some expert social media guy was trying to be funny. I guess you have to have 4000 messages to be an expert hunter.
I shoot the first buck that’s broadside at 200 yards…. Every time
I usually do also. But this is ten years of applying and I really love the area, and I will be traveling from Fairbanks. Just want to enjoy the hunt and kill a nice pronghorn. So I am interested in knowing how thick the base, the height, the cutters or the pronghorns curl oveer
I do appoligize for my reply. I was side tracked all day. Visited the forum you listed. Thank you. Will be visiting some more.
I usually do also. But this is ten years of applying and I really love the area, and I will be traveling from Fairbanks. Just want to enjoy the hunt and kill a nice pronghorn. So I am interested in knowing how thick the base, the height, the cutters or the pronghorns curl oveer.
I love every part of hunting antelope. Should be a good time in the right area. I’ve always looked at big antelope like big bears. You kind of just know when you see them. You can look at so many antelope that are just marginally different and then a big boy steps out and you know.
Not an expert, but what I do is for length, ears are 6 inches, use that to guage length. For mass, go with my gut, what was my first thought, was it "he's nice" or "he's NICE "
I’m no expert, and I think you can really tell when there’s a big boy. Have to see him from many angles. The same huge buck broadside doesn’t look near as big from straight on. The distance from the top of ears to the top of prongs is a good clue, the distance from cutters to the top of prongs is another, the curl at the top, the width between the two, are all good indicators. I’ve only ever bowhunted them, so I didn’t spend as much time field judging as I did stalking. Coming from Alaska after 10 years and having a rifle in your hand, I could see the tactic being reversed. Good luck, and report back with the story come August-September.
Horn length compares to ear length then look at prongs and mass, or mass then prongs. Ear base size or eyes are good to judge mass against.
Twice the length of ears about a 12 inch buck, look for prongs above the ears and bases bigger than eyes.
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